Monday, October 10, 2016

On the Podesta emails

So, wikileaks has been releasing emails from the Clinton campaign, similar to the DNC leaks, and the result is more or less as damaging. I won't post them here because reasons, but you can look them up yourself and see what they have to say.

The amount of corruption in the democratic party is staggering. It really is clear they wanted Clinton from the get go and Sanders never had a chance. Now there's strong evidence Clinton's campaign helped elevate Trump to nominee status in order to make herself look good. It really makes this election feel more fixed, knowing this. Clinton being a moderate, talking down to Sanders, giving us the choice of Clinton or Trump, it seems more pre-ordained by the democratic party.

It's a shame. I had a lot of respect for the democrats before this election cycle and hoped to see them take on the corruption of the republicans. But it seems they're just as bad themselves and have no interest in the well being of the American people. I mean, I could go on and on about the content here but you can find that elsewhere.

What's disturbing is no one is bringing these emails up on the mainstream media, although can you really expect any different? They're in the pockets of the democrats after all. This makes this all the more disturbing. The democrats are manipulating our perceptions to a disturbing degree, and most, not all, but most people are buying into it. Between CTR, media control, etc., they're gaslighting the whole country and trying to make people forget that these leaks are happening, and if they're mentioned at all, it's because those dirty Russians (evidence not found) are manipulating our elections....even though Clinton has manipulated our election to an insane degree.

It's really disturbing and sickening. I'm disgusted by this behavior. I can't stand Trump, but Clinton really disgusts me too. It really bothers me that our system is this corrupt. It's like the peoples' voices don't matter. Or, in reality, they KINDA do, but the elites manipulate our perceptions so most of them blindly support them even against their best interests. Independent thought is strongly discouraged, and running political campaigns separate of these corrupt establishments is a recipe for failure. As I said, I'm just disgusted with this election. I normally feel strongly about one major candidate over another, even if I don't agree with them on everything, but this election, I just can't stand either of them.

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