Saturday, October 16, 2021

Joe Manchin is a piece of crap

 So, I've never been a fan of Joe Manchin, but he's extremely obnoxious. He's basically a democrat, who isn't really a democrat, but a republican with a D after his name. And I know I use that term often when describing democrats since democrats are inherently conservative to some extent, but no, I'm taking it a step further this time. This dude should just change his registration to republican already.

He's one of the two senators (along with Kyrsten Sinema who is also a piece of crap), who is blocking Biden's anemic infrastructure bill. Like, you would think $3.5 trillion over 10 years, or $350 billion a year, is peanuts compared to what I advocate for on my blog, but hes negotiating it down further. And the dude is so self righteous about it. He has this idea about how democrats want to turn us into an "entitlement society" (I wish) and that that's bad. Uh, first of all, Biden's bill is very minimalistic. He ran as a centrist, is pushing an incredibly mediocre bill, and then Manchin turns around and starts using republican talking points against it. It's kinda cringey. Like, republicans are the party that goes on against entitlements and rugged individualism, and now he's out righting Biden and pushing this stuff? Bro, just stop and gtfo of the party already.

And I know a lot of centrist democrats will defend him claiming he's better than a republican, but that's the problem. They're so steeped in tribalism that that little label after their name means anything. Anyone with an R is evil and anyone with a D is good. These guys don't even care about values. On values, Joe Manchin is a republican as far as I'm concerned. He talks like I did when I grew up listening to Rush Limbaugh. Just cut ties with him already. Jesus.

And then there's his whole "outsiders won't tell west virginians what to do" thing. Uh, yeah, your state is poor, your economy is addicted to coal, and your population is on meth. I'll be the "northern agitator" every day of the week if it means improving lives. I hate to talk about job creation, but isn't replacing all of those coal jobs with new clean energy jobs a good thing? And that's not even getting into my ideas. UBI would basically be a godsend to your state economically. An entitlement, would save your state.

That's the problem I have with republicans. Not only do they actively make the country worse, but then they claim to LIKE it that way. And I hate this gatekeeping thing various tribes in American politics do. Like "dont tell me what to do unless you're one of us". The idpol people use it constantly and it's a huge reason I hate them. It's annoying. I'll have whatever opinion I want and I don't care what other people think. And yes I will tell you what's good for you. You might disagree, but have an honest disagreement with me over stuff. Don't just dismiss my opinion without a debate with this crap. I just find that enraging. 

But yeah. I'll be the outsider telling them what's good for them. Biden's infrastructure plan would be mildly good for them. My ideas would be better. I mean, low income rural states with bad/no jobs. Duh. UBI would be great for you guys. Don't tell me I can't tell you that. You're getting my opinion whether you like it or not. Manchin is bad for standing in the way. He's holding his state back. I will look down with disdain on anyone who literally defends living poorly with vapid virtue signalling. I don't care if I look bad or tyrannical for doing it. The society they support is, in my opinion, also tyrannical. 

And that goes for actual republicans too. But for democrats to do it, with republican talking points, it's just like, seriously? Yeah no screw these guys.

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