Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Meanwhile, back in the democratic party...

 I want to just touch on this briefly as can't stand wading into mainstream democratic garbage for long these days, but the democratic party is sucking as always.

So, you guys realized how we got Biden, because he was electable and could compromise and had moderate ideas that could pass? And you know how he came up with that $3.5 trillion ($350 billion a year) infrastructure plan with some decent ideas in it? Well, he's having trouble passing even that. Because the dems were so low energy and barely won the senate, they're 50-50 there. And now you got Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema holding the whole thing up. And the progressives finally got some balls and said, hey, you know how we compromised and supported joe? Now you guys want to force us to compromise down again? You don't pass the whole thing, we're gonna shoot it down. So now there's a mexican standoff between progressives, Biden, and the moderates. 

I hate the democratic party's politics. I really do. It's bad enough that this is what was on the table in the first place. I'm not a green new deal person, but the original GND Bernie proposed was, if i recall, $1.4 trillion a year, or 4x as large as this. And while I certainly don't support such an extravagant proposal given my UBI and M4A support, Biden's proposal was a significant compromise from that. And now that's the overton window, and the moderates are chewing it down from there. 

Guys, this is what I warned you about when we got Biden. That he's gonna precompromise, and we're gonna compromise again, and again, and again, until we get something so watered down it barely does anything, and then the democrats are gonna pat themselves on the back and talk about what a good job they did doing literally next to nothing. It's happening guys. 

This is why I'm forward party. I just wish yang had the balls to use his power to pressure these guys seriously to adopt his proposals. He has tons of great ideas. But, the democrats just have this culture that exudes hostility toward good ideas, and unless you're willing to play hardball with them, you'll get steamrolled. 

One thing I will say is good on the progressives for threatening to vote against this joke of a bill if manchin and sinema get their way. Hold the line. Be willing to sink the entire legacy if they pull that crap. Because let's face it, no one in the progressive wing wanted this in the first place. Between the bernie bros and the yang gang, we're discussing ideas for how to actually fix society and move it forward, and here we are arguing about compromises on compromises. It's a joke. This is why I cant work within the democrats toward change any more. They're just horrible in their current state.

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