Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Discussing the Biden Administration's reaction to Marianne Williamson's run and the audacity of Christians crapping on other spiritual people

 So, Biden's press secretary was asked about Williamson running for president, and she started mocking her going on about crystal balls and auras and crap. Secular talk responded to it, and I think that they had good points here. Basically, Kyle's main point was basically, who do Christians think they are crapping on spiritual people? And then he went on talking about how Biden was a catholic and was going around wearing ashes on his forehead last week. And...I kinda have to say, he has a point. 

I mean, I'm an ex Christian now ex atheist who is somewhat spiritual now. I dont like to discuss my reasons why because I know they'll sound crazy to whomever I explain them to, and maybe they are, but what can I say? I feel like God backed me into the corner on that one where I had to acknowledge it, let's leave it at that.

At the same time, I still largely maintain my secular humanist perspective as far as politics. My spiritual perspective is cosmic humanist, to use understanding the times lingo, and my actual ideology is based on a more secular version of this from when I was an atheist. All in all, I've largely resolved the conflict between the two. I think the two complement each other, and I can also compartmentalize them find.

I understand Williamson comes off as a bit kooky at times, as she leans A LOT more into this stuff than I would. And it does make her a target. i know in 2020 i struggled to take her seriously because of this stuff, but having learned about her convictions more, I think she's pretty based. Sure, her spirituality comes off as weird at times, and I would like someone more polished and rational (mainly in terms of policies), but let's face it, williamson is no worse than much of the progressive left policy wise, and it's not like I can exactly praise Andrew Yang for his policy expertise. 

But yeah, Williamson is a lot more overt, and has a bit more woo than me with it (I try to stick as close to the secularized version of this as possible as far as politics goes), but yeah, I do think that her convictions are strong, she means well, and her goal is the same as mine, basically to raise the consciousness of the planet where we recognize that we can do much better. We might disagree at times, Im not super passionate about a Williamson candidacy, but she is THE bernie wing candidate so far, and the only one in a position to challenge Biden. 

The point is, going back to Biden, who the heck is his administration to crap on Williamson's spirituality? I just wanna remind people how freaking weird christianity is. I acknowledge Biden may be a bit more moderate than this, but he obviously believes SOME aspect of this. So...according to the biblical worldview, the world is 6000 years old, give or take. God made the world perfect, and because we "sinned", we were thrown out of perfection into a world in which we need to suffer and work. Literally. And that in order to atone for sin, because God is angry and has the temperament of your typical fragile strong man dictatorship, because guess what mentality the people who made this version of god up believed in, he needs to sacrifice his son, who is also himself, to himself, so that he can save us from....himself. And then the dude rose again, ya know, like a zombie but not really, and he ascended to heaven. he may or may not come back to teach humanity a lesson and to set things right by overthrowing governments and throwing all nonbelievers and evildoers into a lake of fire. And then things will be perfect again. Yay...

Oh, and christians remember this sacrifice by smearing ashes on their forehead, and then 40 days later celebrating the holiday in which the dude died a horrible death and came back to life. And they eat bread and wine that symbolize his body and blood, so basically symbolic cannibalism. Yeah.

This is completely "normal" "not crazy" spirituality that the normies believe. The cosmology has been debunked and disproven at every step of the way, yet people still compartmentalize and believe it. And these are the "totally sane" people who run the country and blah blah blah. I mean, I'm sorry, but this is bullcrap. Christianity LITERALLY started as a cult, and the only reason it's so accepted today is because like 60% of people believe it. That's it. It's just numbers. One person believes something and they're considered insane. 180 million people do and it's totally normal. And Williamson is the kooky one.

And that's not even talking about Christianity's cultural impacts. I mean, the entire GOP is insane in part BECAUSE of religion. If you wanna know why they're so batcrap insane, it's that same christian worldview that I discussed with the understanding the times stuff. You can clearly see a link between that stuff and what conservatives actually believe. Like their religion is full on REALITY DENIAL. And a lot of them are so skeptical of institutions and things like education that they made up their entire worldview based on magical thinking and BS. And they wanna force it on everyone else too. The religious right still wields insane influence in this country. They are trying to take abortion rights, they're trying to ban gay marriage, they're going after trans people like crazy. Again, this is all religion. It's all, this is how god made the world and any deviation from that is sin. Same with economics. Why are so many people so okay with work? Well, their worldview assumes work is inevitable and natural, if anything, they believe it gives them purpose. It's the protestant work ethic. my own views came out of leaving christianity and adopting humanism. You can see the difference between my worldview and theirs.

And you know what, it's not even a left/right thing. The left in this country is also highly religious. The democrats might come out progressive on social issues, but they mostly lean into postmodernism. They dont even wanna talk about religion like christianity. Because a lot of democrats are also christians. But they're moderates. And much like centrist dems, these "moderate christians", who have inconsistent as fudge worldviews love to act like they're adults in the room. They crap on atheists, they crap on the spiritual, and they also crap on fundies. They think believing in half of it and compartmentalizing it makes them oh so superior to everyone else. But...they're not. I tried moderate christianity. It's fundamentally unstable from a philosophical perspective. Because you have one foot in secular humanism and one foot in christianity. And it's better to be hot or cold than lukewarm. Even the christian god doesnt like lukewarm christians. he likes people who are either on fire for the lord, or not at all. And with me, i kinda look at it the same way. You should either embrace this stuff full stop, or you should abandon it. And of course, Im in favor of abandonment. Because christianity is a "cave", to reference the name of this blog. it's a false reality that controls people and keeps them subservient, by distorting how they view life. They are focused on the puppets, and never quite understand how life really is. Religion makes them blind.

But again, williamson is the kooky one? I admit, I kinda am one foot in secularism and one foot in cosmic humanism at this point, but at least it makes sense to me. The two dont really contradict each other. Why? Because i came to my beliefs from within the secular humanist framework. I sought evidence, I got evidence, I have to accept it. And getting an idea of how spirituality really works on a worldview level, there isn't much of a conflict here. Because my beliefs are outgrowths of my secular worldview. SO that's my answer to the idea that I'm being a hypocrite. 

Anyway, to me, cosmic humanism is far more sane than christianity is. I mean, what's the core worldview I have? Well, that basically, we die, there is an afterlife, there is another place we go, and then we ultimately reincarnate. I dont know the details of this, Im not gonna speculate here, but yeah. And sometimes we get help from the other side so to speak. Like, Im apparently here to help raise the consciousness of this planet. So is williamson, honestly. That's why she's running, and i respect that. My entire life plan was devised before I was born to set me down this path, and whatever experiences I had with leaving christianity and exiting "the cave" were to help me be able to fulfill my purpose. So I advocate for my message. That's all we really need to discuss, that's all we need to know. I won't go further than that. 

But that sounds a metric crapton more sane and reasonable to me than christianity does. I mean, I dont really make tons of assumptions that contradict with this reality. They complement it. And honestly, even if im wrong, like 98% of my views were justified under SECULAR humanism so...what do i lose? Nothing. I still believe what i believe. Christianity? You leave THAT crap and it just completely turns you into a different person sometimes. Coming to believe it does too. Now, for them, thats what makes it great. Christians believe in being "born again", and believe that a relationship with god should change things...well...it depends. IN christianity's case the changes are bad because youre often believing in religious extremism and becoming far less rational. On the flip side, leaving it makes people far MORE rational. Shifting to my spirituality, well, it did have some impacts, but as far as my politics goes, I'm just doubling down on my mindset. I will try to work with others working toward similar goals, even if i dont fully agree with them, like williamson, but yeah. I obviously am in the camp that I want change. And I believe we need to work with others on change. 

I just get pissed off when people who have the "internet explorer" version of spirituality in our society like to crap on others for having weird views. And I really think that given that specific religion is fundamentally harmful to this country and this planet in my opinion, that they have no freaking room to talk. if you go around wearing ashes on your head in preparation for the holiday involving the son of god, who is also god, who sacrificed himself, to himself, to save us from himself, so we dont have to go to the eternal burny place when we die because god's "justice" is so batcrap insane that everyone is evil and everyone deserves eternal torment just for being alive, maybe you shouldn't talk crap on others. Just saying. I'm not saying williamson is perfect. I do think she needs to tone it down to avoid getting the weird "healing crystals and chakras" vibe. I lean a lot harder into rationality for a reason. But let's be honest, she's no more dangerous for her views than the half of the country that believes global warming isn't real because god wouldn't make a world that we could destroy like that.

Anyway, this post isn't really intended to crap on ALL christians. If you're christian, and somewhat progressive, maybe you have weird views at times that I'd disagree with, but we can at least agree on some things. I'm mainly taking aim at those who take pot shots at others. As your own bible says, don't talk about the speck in someone else's eye when you have a plank in your own. That's the best way I'd sum up this post. And with me, don't start a fight you can't win, because I WILL go full angstheist mode on any christian who tries to start crap. Because despite having spiritual views now, I still have much of that old "new atheist" me left. Again, my spirituality complements that side of me, it doesn't replace it. And while I try to be more chill and love and light and less confrontational, when push comes to shove, I WILL rip you to shreds if you screw with me, or with someone who i like. Just saying.

Anyway, I'm done with this topic I guess.

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