Sunday, March 19, 2023

Discussing Nutzis protesting drag people

 So David Pakman discussed a story in which nazis were protesting drag people. And these guys are nuts. And they're nazis. Nutzis. The word came to me. They're nutzis. That's my new term for these people. Nuts Nazis. Nutzis. 

And man are they nuts. Watching them is like something out of Rammstein's Angst music video. How people can get so offended about trans people existing baffles me. I mean, I knew when I was a fundamentalist christian, I wasn't a fan of this stuff, I might have even wanted to make it illegal because my ideas at my worst bordered on theocracy. BUT....let's face it. I never wanted these guys dead. These guys do. And they wear masks. Ya know, like the KKK did. So here they are, they're making death threats toward "pedophiles" (note: their idea of pedophile here is "drag queen who reads stories to children"), they're masked. Let's face it, this isn't just a protest, this is intimidation. 

I'm pretty supportive of free speech, but I think if you show up armed, masked, and start making death threats toward drag queens, that shouldn't be covered by free speech. Let's face it. These guys are domestic terrorists. Right wing domestic terrorism is the greatest terrorism threat we face in this country, and it's been this way for a while. Organizations like the KKK have a long history of going around and masking up and committing acts of vigilante violence on those they dont like. Then are never held accountable because no one can finger them. That's why I say this shouldn't be considered free speech. Protesting stuff like homosexuality and transgenderism shouldnt be illegal in and of itself, mind you. But if you're showing up armed, and effectively making death threats and intimidating people, that seems like it should be fair game. After all, if I made death threats on the internet I would be banned from the site and probably end up with the FBI watching me. I don't see why this should be any different. Right to free speech and assembly are sacrosanct, but should not be used as a platform to threaten people. 

And yeah. Nutzis. Nuts Nazis. Nutzis. That's my new word for these people. And as david pakman himself stated, I'd rather have drag queens around my kids (if i had any) than these guys.

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