Thursday, March 16, 2023

Discussing the idiocy of the republican war on wokeness

 So....Im not a fan of wokeness. I have been fairly consistent with this since 2016. While I respect critical theory to some extent, it doesnt define my worldview, and i think the zealots are obnoxious.

But....the right is no better. Heck, the right is even worse. They seem to attribute everything to wokeness. Everything wrong with the country is wokeness. Around every corner there's some drag queen wanting to indoctrinate kids into the trans agenda. There are these whacko doctors who want to castrate your kids. Random people in the bathroom might want to abuse kids. The Silicon Valley bank apparently crashed because it was too woke. Woke woke woke. What does that even mean any more? I gave my definition, but the right has another one, and they struggle to define it half the time. It seems to be a catch all for anything they dont like. If forced to legally define it, it seems to come down supporting the idea that there are systemic injustices in the country that need to change, which seems to capture...all left wing thought. Admittedly, David Noebel in Understanding the times did go into a lot of detail into postmodernism, but even most conservatives havent read that stuff, despite Noebel batting for their team. 

The right is a joke. It's trying to create this new moral crisis in this country and blow stuff WAAAY out of proportion. Like MASSIVELY. Most of these issues aren't major issues. ANd thats why I rip on the left so much. Rather than lean into this stuff and giving these right wing whackjobs ammo, the left should make these people look as stupid as they actually are. I mean, as someone who actually took a class on domestic violence and abuse in college as part of the criminology side of my degree, I can tell you that you have more reason to fear that weird handsy uncle that your kid seems to be uncomfortable around, or your local catholic priest or youth pastor if youre worried about "groomers." Im seeing a lot of stories about youth pastors just being full on legit groomers lately. Drag queen story hour weirdos might be kinda weird, but im under the impression theyre trying to teach tolerance rather than "groom" anyone into trans stuff. Heck, I have a friend who keeps sharing news stories with me of weirdo right wingers who wanna keep LITERAL CHILD MARRIAGE legal in random red states. If we care about protecting kids from sexual predators, WHY NOT FOCUS ON THAT? Of course they dont care. They'll act like that's their history and their culture and how dare the libs take that stuff away from them. Jesus christ these people are whackos. Im not even touching how Lauren Boebert is only like a year or two older than me and is already becoming a grandmother not long after calling for abstinance only education. By the way, if youre concerned about groomers, stay away from her husband. These people have no sense of shame at all, but I digress.

Anyway, the modern culture wars are so laughable it makes the complaining about harry potter and pokemon cards being demonic looks relatively sane. At least in previous eras, the right at least TRIED to enter the intellectual sphere to some extent. When I was conservative, I mightve been indoctrinated into a buuch of far right talking points and doctrines, but at least they tried to have an underlying worldview to compete with it for better or for worse.

I swear, the modern right has no intellectual standards any more. They just believe whatever verbal diarrhea comes out of the mouths of their friends with no intellectual rigor at all. Admittedly the fundamentalist christian worldview got the ball rolling on that stuff, but these days the right just seems like this batcrap insane angry mob just railing against whatever because incoherent reasons that dont make sense while turning a blind eye to the problems they claim to care about. They have no sense of consistency at all. And honestly, the fact that we got here at all speaks to the failures of our education system. To be fair, the right captured said system on many state and local levels and are striving to keep their citizens dumb in the process. Hence why they scream about wokeness in schools. For them, left wing ideas aren't just a competing ideology, but a massive ideological threat to worldview, or lack thereof, I can't even really tell at this point. Either way, they need to be crushed to stop people from waking up like I did. 

Really, the GOP's entire schtick at this point relies on keeping people dumb, keeping them in the cave, keeping them away from facts and logic and any tools that can actually debunk their nonsense. 

I might have disagreements with fellow lefties, even the neolibs and crap, but at least most of these ideologies have some level of truth and validity to them. I might not always agree with them on a normative level and sometimes even a factual level, but I'm at least willing to engage with them. Hence why i spend most of my time engaging in leftist infighting rather than writing articles about the right. Blasting the right literally feels like punching down on someone who is literally intellectually disabled. It doesnt give me much satisfaction, and it actually makes me feel bad. And now I feel bad for comparing the modern right to intellectually disabled people. They dont deserve that. The intellectually disabled people, I mean. 

But yeah. That's literally how little respect i give to the right these days. Ive been saying it for years, they're intellectually bankrupt, and their current levels of insanity are so dumb i literally cant wrap their brain around stuff. Like they've gotten WORSE since i left. I actually decided to watch a little tucker carlson last week for the luls and while i didnt expect it to be intelligent, it was so mind numbingly dumb I'm just like....what? 

Anyway, rant over. 

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