Friday, November 11, 2016

A Trump presidency is a necessary evil

Look, none of us are happy about a Trump presidency on the left, even those who hate Clinton. We might be glad she lost in a way, but we won't be happy that Trump is in power. Trump is going to be a disaster, if he does half the stuff people are saying he's going to do, like cut social security, deport millions of people, build a wall, abolish the department of education and neuter the EPA, repeal Obamacare. He's going to make a lot of enemies. People rely on these services, and without them, their livelihoods are going to be in jeopardy. This will piss them off and anger them to an insane degree.

However, something like this was coming, no matter who won. What did Clinton offer the country? Nothing. On Obama's watch, he lost both houses of congress, and now Clinton and the DNC cost us the presidency. The democrats have a morale problem. They can't win a commanding victory in these situations. We have a democratic party trapped by corruption and inertia, and we have a republican party that is crazier every election year.

In the long term, defeating the republican party is a huge goal that needs to be taken seriously. We need to make an ideological victory over them, in order for things to change for the good. In the current situation with the democratic party, the republicans will only get emboldened every election. Every election, they'll maintain congress, chip more and more away at the democratic control of government, and the democrats won't be able to do anything to stop them, nor will they try. They'll keep getting louder, they'll keep coming back every 4 years talking about doing crazier and crazier things, and they won't go away until they win, and then we would be stuck in the same situation we're in right now.

I think that in order for people to stop giving a following to the republicans, they need to let the republicans be republicans. And this is precisely what Trump is going to do. With the democratic party in disarray, the republicans are going to jam an agenda through that is going to piss off and alienate many Americans. These Trump voters are going to have serious buyers remorse when their social programs go bye bye, when our government is cutted, and when Trump sinks this economy into a recession because of his stupid, insane trade policies.

People act like if only we voted for Hillary, we could have avoided this, but in reality, we would only be delaying the inevitable. The republicans would just continue to be emboldened under Clinton, and would eventually displace her or her successor in 2020 or 2024. The democrats would have nothing to show for all of their time in office, and the GOP would do exactly what Trump is going to do now. This can't be avoided.

America, get it out of your system. From my standpoint, you just got caught smoking by your dad and now he is going to make you smoke the whole carton at the same time. You're not going to like it, you're going to hate it, but if it stops you from getting addicted to the idea of supporting the modern republican party and all its craziness, it's a necessary evil. Sometimes we need to give the country exactly what it wants and make them learn on their own why this is a horrible idea before we can turn around and change it.

Democrats, your job in the next 4 years is to regroup, get rid of your corruption, change your message, and get these people out of power again. We need to show the country why they need to stop voting republican, before they start supporting the democrats en masse. I hope the democrats learn their lesson in their defeat this year, and I hope America as a whole learns their lesson over the next 4. With that, I hope we can come back anew in 2020, take over the government, establish a progressive agenda, and displace the dominant conservative ideology in our country for good. Let Trump be the republican Jimmy Carter, and let someone like Warren or Sanders be our Reagan. The republican party BARELY survived Bush. I doubt it will survive Trump without being cast into the political wilderness for a good decade or more. This is their last hurrah, and let it serve to the country a lesson that they should never ever do this again. Lets get to it.

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