Tuesday, November 15, 2016

What will a Trump presidency look like? Who knows...

I still haven't been discussing Trump in part because I'm still so wrapped up in the election and posting my version of what I think happened, and in part because it's so hard to know what he's going to do in office. In the one hand, he's saying and doing horrible things like nominating Steve Bannon, a white supremecist to his transition team and basically is talking about repealing Roe v. Wade and putting the power back in the states' hands (the trigger that caused me to write that scathing post denouncing states' rights), but on the other hand, he sounds....moderate. His student debt plan is similar to what Obama proposed, and something similar to what Clinton would have proposed in all likelihood if Sanders didn't pressure her to adopt some version of free college. He's fine with gay marriage apparently, he's flipflopping on prosecuting Clinton, he may legalize some illegal immigrants, he has a fairly radical childcare policy (by republican standards, he wants to keep parts of Obamacare, and now his border wall may become a border fence in some spots.

I really don't know what to make of this. Half the stuff he's saying and doing is still horrifying to me, but the other half almost sounds like something a moderate democrat would want to do. I'm convinced that Trump, by modern republican standards, is probably less dangerous than his counterparts, but at the same time, he's still likely very dangerous in his own right. I think a lot of bad things will happen under him, but I don't think he will be as bad as some think he will be.

I guess we will have to see. I'm no fan of Trump, don't get me wrong. If he were a democrat I would be ripping him so hard right now and expecting so much better, but given how bad the GOP is in recent years, he sounds...almost reasonable around 50% of the time. It's weird. This may mark a shift in the republican party from the Tea party or it might represent more of the same. We will just have to see I guess. 

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