Wednesday, November 23, 2016

...and this is why you should never vote republican if you care about your economic interests

Look, as you guys know, I'm no fan of Clinton. I'm no fan of the democrats. It's not that they're too far left for me, it's because they're hypocritical and not far left enough. But if you think for one moment, I support Donald Trump, you got another thing coming. I despise the GOP, and you should never underestimate their ability to screw you.

I never really discussed Trump much during the election because there's not much to discuss. The guy is a complete demagogue, and until he actually won, it was all fun and games and drama and all the crazy crap he said and did.

But now the guy won, and now we're going to be seeing actual policies from this guy, and honestly, to all of you who voted for him, you should know this: YOU JUST GOT SCAMMED. HARD. Trump isn't going to make America great again and improve your financial interests, he's going to make you poor again because he's a republican bearing false gifts. I just found out about this gem from Allen Clifton, someone who I normally can't stand because during the election he was basically shilling hard for Hillary, but here, he's absolutely right.

This year, Obama established a regulation via executive in which salaried workers making under $47,000 or so would be given overtime hours, or would be given a pay raise to that amount. This was supposed to stop businesses from exploiting managers by paying them $30,000 a year or something while working them 70 hours a week like they do in a lot of retail type environments. And it was one of the most notable labor regulations I've seen happen in years, and would have made a lot of lives better.

So what's Trump going to do? Well, apparently he and the republicans are gonna repeal it come January when he gets into office. Goodbye progress, hello the gradual erosion of your labor rights. This is why, if you have a problem with Hillary, you don't vote republican. The republicans are just gonna screw you again and again. They're WORSE than the dems most of the time. Anyone who just voted for Trump for economic reasons just got scammed big time. The GOP is never in your side on economics. They care about the rich, not about you. They never did. And while Trump is a populist, I believe deep down he's no better.

Buckle up, America, this is going to be a wild next 4 years. 61 million of you guys voted for this jerk and now you're getting what you voted for. Next time if you have a problem with Clinton, vote for the green party or something. The right will never look after your economic interests. They might say they will, but they're not.

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