Sunday, August 1, 2021

An addendum on Bernie

 So, I kind of cut my message short last night as I started falling asleep while writing it, so being awake, I want to cover more about how I feel about Bernie, as I feel like I was a bit harsh and didn't adequately explain the problem.

Here's the thing. Bernie, when he's his authentic self, can inspire generations of people to political change. Bernie might not be our reagan, but he could be a goldwater type figure for the future. Someone who was not successful in his time but informed an upcoming ideology that becomes successful down the road. I may not agree with him on everything, but I respect him and my disagreements are largely respectful. And while I will no longer compromise with the Bernie camp as UBI is a more mainstream discussed policy now, and it's what I really believe in, I do have to admire his character and vision when the dude stands on his own power.

However, the problem is that he isnt standing in his own power. Dude always ends up doing the politically correct thing and starts selling mediocrity in the name of "party unity" when he loses. He did it with Clinton, which I was disappointed in, but understood, and now hes doing it with Biden. Hes clearly selling a fake line he doesnt believe in, trying to sell Biden's mediocre vision to people, and its so painfully obvious listening to Krystal's interview with him he doesn't even believe it himself. And excluding Kyle is another warning bell. Because Kyle would be hard on him and he obviously wanted sell Biden.

Which is why I really got mad. I was planning on cutting ties with progressives more formally anyway due to ideological differences anyway, but seeing Bernie LITERALLY be a cuck for Biden, as Kyle would call it, That behavior is disgraceful. At least with AOC "selling out" her argument is she cant really challenge pelosi without being blackballed, which is true. You need to pick your battles. But Biden is quite frankly using Bernie like a whore and tarnishing his brand. And he's just rolling over and accepting it. 

I hate inauthenticity. I can tolerate holding one's tongue for strategic reasons, but I dont tolerate people who clearly sell something inauthentic that they dont believe in. Bernie sold his soul for the Biden administration, and the democratic party is ruining his movement. And those who refuse to be coopted are largely going insane. Becoming socialists, antivaxxers, etc. It's imploding.

And yes, despite my Yang fluffing, Yang isnt perfect either. Dude sold out in his NYC run at times and he paid the piper for it. Yang too is at his best when authentic and not trying to compromise with the establishment. I hope his upcoming book raises his reputation.

I am legitimately scared for the UBI movement. A lot of them do wanna go the more centrist direction, which will ruin the movement. A lot of them are acting like Biden is great because child tax credit, and how if we do 10 more incremental shifts we might get something that vaguely resembles a UBI but full of warts. Ugh. No. Just advocate for what youre for, unapologetically. Sure you cant get everything you want, but that doesnt mean you should cuck out and join the establishment. 

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