Saturday, August 14, 2021

Forcing people to get vaccines without forcing them

 So, I've noticed a lot of liberals are trying to leverage people to get their vaccines not through a state mandate, but through economics. They often want to force people to get the vaccine by having their employer mandate it. The way they see it, you don't HAVE to get it if you would rather be fired, but let's face it, because people need jobs, they'll get it, because they don't have a choice.

I'm going to be honest, I'm using this topic to push my indepentarian ideology. I fully acknowledge this is roundabout forcing people to do something. And the libs pushing it know it. But they're able to go "who, me? No, you dont HAVE to get it, but if you don't, you wont be able to work". So it is force. And I acknowledge it's force. And I wish libs would be more transparent that this is basically about force. And I'm pretty sure the right anti vaxxers understand its force.

Okay, if you agree we're forcing is it any different for other aspects of economic coercion in the first place? Can't we just acknowledge we're basically forcing people to work and they don't have a choice, they merely have to choose between tons of employers? Because that's what we're doing. Can we acknowledge that? Sure, it's better than literal slavery, but it's still wage slavery. 

So, despite this, do I support making people get the vaccine? Yes. And I do think that market forces are slightly less oppressive than a state mandate, so I would support that. However, in my ideal world everyone would have universal basic income and universal healthcare. And it wouldn't be the end of the world. Heck, I'm perfectly willing to shut out unvaxxed individuals healthy enough to get the vaccine out of society in general for the duration of the pandemic. We aren't going back to shut downs. COVID is not an easily preventable disease, but that involves getting the shot and following proper procedures. Which people apparently suck at. But hey, if those guys in my ideal society wanted to live in isolation on UBI and get all their stuff via delivery and curbside pickup? By all means. You get to stay in lockdown, the rest of us get to actually participate as we want. After all the problem is the unvaxxed spreading the disease to others. They wanna take their life into their own hands that's on them but I cant in good conscience allow them to put others at risk in the process. Without a UBI do I still support such a system? Sure. I'm sorry but public health is more important than your freedoms. Your right to swing your fist ends at another's nose, and your right to not be vaxxed ends when it spreads a deadly disease to other people in society. 

But hey at least Im transparent about my views. I wont do the weasel words like most libs seem to be doing these days. I just went on this spiel to once again remind people that our society is coercive and for as much as people try to deny that, they sure as heck dont have a problem with using that coercion to get their way. I normally oppose such coercion and wish to minimize it. Even in the case of getting vaccinated. But the reality is that push comes to shove being vaccinated is important and you should have to get the shot to participate in society with other people. Period. If you dont like my stance, join me in advocating for basic income, I fully support your right to live your unvaxxed life in isolation working the land in the middle of nowhere or relying on delivery and curbside pickup and never leaving the house. You just don't get to spread germs to other people. 

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