Thursday, August 5, 2021

Im sick of moderates telling us "what we have to learn"

 I'm gonna be honest, democratic centrists really are some of the most smarmy obnoxious people when they win an election or a primary. With Nina losing her primary, we're back to CENTRISM WINS! CENTRISM WINS! HERES WHAT YOU PROGRESSIVES NEED TO LEARN "THE VOTERS" LIKE MODERATES, THEY LIKE BIDEN, THEY LIKE **DEMOCRATS**, WHAT THEY DONT LIKE ARE PROGRESSIVES WHO HAVE PIE IN THE SKY IDEAS AND WONT WORK WITH THE PARTY, YOU PROGRESSIVES NEED TO LEARN THIS AND BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Uh, here's my counter response, go screw yourself.

Look, I'm not here to be nice. I'm not here to be civil to worthless centrist pieces of crap gloating over me because they won a dirty primary with 12% turnout. Maybe some people do like Biden, and as I established in my last article, primaries are predisposed toward people who actually like the democrats' BS. I dont believe they're the majority of the country but they are the majority of those who turn up. 

I'm not a politician. Maybe politicians gotta thread needles sometimes and cater to people. Too bad that even when they do (see Andrew Yang and Bernie 2020) that they still get crapped on, despite being fake and robotic and saying what people want to hear. Because you know what? It's not authentic. And centrists vote for centrists anyway and progressives want someone "pure." Might as well just be authentic.

If the dittohead is gonna win anyway, then I dont really want to win. I dont want to be the dittohead. I dont want "my person" to be the ditto head. I dont like seeing Bernie reduced to a ditto head. I dont want to see Yang be a ditto head. I like these people because they ARE different. They arent just the same ditto heads. But once they lose that appeal by kow towing to the establishment, I'm done with them. See my recent article on Bernie. 

Look, I'm here to actually push for policies that change the world. I'm not here to be a fake robotic ditto head who sings the establishment's praises. It doesn't compute, and I'd rather not play politics at all and focus on other pursuits like video games than cater to worthless centrists. Seriously, screw those guys. 

And as far as Nina's bowl of #### comments, well, they were taken out of context. And you know what? I LIKED those comments. I AGREE with those comments. And to any democratic "voter" who understands the proper context (as the proper context was not given in the attack ads) and is offended by that, well, sorry you like eating bowls of ####, because I'm not sorry for calling that out. 

There's a reason I don't run for office. A huge reason is I know I can't win. I'm politically incorrect, I'm not a team player, and I'm only enthused or motivated when I'm doing my thing or speaking from the heart. One of the reasons I kind of clocked out for a while after 2016 was because I just had it. I didn't want to cover Trump all the time, the democrats were doing their russiagate thing. Politics was boring. Soul, crushingly, boring. As you can tell I'm at my most passionate when discussing the nuances of how to implement a basic income. I don't wanna hear "WeLl We CaNt Do ThAt!" and I get some crappy tax credit in return that scores an F on my metric. 

I'd rather lose with passion than win by being a ditto head. I'll continue to support humanity first and progressive candidates who I believe in over centrist ditto heads, and I quite frankly don't care how "electable" they are. 

Really, sometimes I wish the dems were more like the republicans. They loved the obnoxious loudmouth who called everyone else out. Not that he was a good president, I've already established before I think he's literally the worst we had, but I get the appeal, and I'm sorry, I like a bit of populism in my politics. If I have to work with stuffy centrists wh insist I must censor how I really feel, then I'm done. Screw you guys. Not doing it. 

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