Thursday, August 12, 2021

Quick reaction to the compromise bill that passed congress

 Okay, I'm going to be short here as I got other stuff going on in my life right now which will make it more difficult to post stuff in detail (expect a lot lighter content over the next month or so), but I wanted to briefly cover the bill Biden got passed. It passed apparently 69-30 which is huge for how divided congress is, with even Mitch McConnell passing it. That's surprising given that fricker has spent the past decade slashing and burning everything. 

Essentially this part which got passed is all infrastructure, which is pretty huge. We desperately need to update our infrastructure, and we need to combat climate change, and this helps do both, so that's a priority.

I think I read the follow up bill which is not expected to have as easy of a time passing is gonna push for Biden's other priorities. Paid family leave, universal preK/childcare, 2 year community college, an obamacare expansion, etc. This is where I start yawning. Sure, infrastructure we need, but Im gonna stick to my vision as the hill I die on politically. UBI, medicare for all, free college, student debt forgiveness. We only got one of those things and its only a half measure. The child tax credit is only like a small fraction of a UBI, and not even really a UBI by my strict definition of the term, and the obamacare expansion isnt even a public option. If Biden pushed for medicare extra, ya know, my compromise plan, I could praise that, but this is basically nothing. 

Honestly, all things considered, while this bill is an accomplishment for biden, and does some good things, on issues other than climate change and our infrastructure needs, this aint it, dawg. 

I know, I know, Im always critical of Biden. Well, I dont like Biden. I never liked Biden. I never agreed with his agenda or priorities, and I'm not going to start now. So good job in the infrastructure win, but I still don't like you. I can praise Biden for something I agree on, while not fluffing him up or fawning over him when we have a fundamental difference in opinion. 

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