Friday, August 13, 2021

Curtis Sliwa and UBI

 So Curtis Sliwa, the republican nominee for mayor in NYC, came out in support of a basic income pilot in NYC. And if I lived in NYC I would support him over Adams as a matter of principle. Sliwa seems to have a pretty good history, and he's a vocal opponent of Trump, so he's a through and through moderate republican from an era that no longer exists in republican politics. 

It just goes to show that I will vote for anyone who supports my issues. Given the hand wringing, runarounds, and pretentious lecturing by moderate dems flexing their victories over me, yeah I'm not really a vote blue no matter who kind of guy. You cant just sit back and say "you see, you don't understand voters, voters dont want a fiery progressive, and they don't want a UBI, they want moderates and identity politics and the status quo, blah blah blah." Cool. You realize the second a better candidate comes along I'm dumping you guys, right? Well, this is one of those times. You support UBI, you get my vote. Period.

Too bad I don't live in NYC. I can't vote for the guy. But I would if I lived in NYC. I hate moderates who don't stand for anything with a passion. 

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