Sunday, January 21, 2024

A message to those who don't want to vote for Biden...

 So, a common refrain I see in online discussions is the idea that the democratic party NEEDS leftists to show up and support them, and that they need to stop supporting Israel as a condition of their vote. They are trying, much like I tried in 2016 and 2020, to hold their votes hostage in order to pressure the party to move in a direction over a select few issues. While it is fully their right to do this, many of them are very self righteous and antagonistic toward more moderate liberals, including those who are not "vote blue no matter whoers." So, as someone who understands this kind of tactic, this is my approach to dealing with these people.

If you don't want to vote for Joe Biden, then DON'T!

Really, I don't care if you don't want to vote for Biden. I really don't. The fact is, thinking as someone on the democrats' side on this one, this issue is REALLY fringe. I've looked at the polling, and where most voters are at in 2024, and I know for a fact that most of Biden's woes are more to do with the economy, specifically inflation, as well as imaginary concerns about crime and immigration. The overwhelming majority of people DO NOT GIVE A FLYING CRAP about Israel and Palestine. Only around 30% of people even LEAN pro palestine. Almost 70% are either neutral or pro israel, and of that 30%, who really is going full ride or die on this outside of a select few internet leftists in social circles i happen to occupy on the internet? We all know that online political spaces don't translate to real life. You guys are like half a percent of voters and Biden is down by around 5-6 compared to where he needs to be. You see the math? Even if Biden loses, I'm not going to be losing sleep over a handful of internet leftists who will vote for RFK, Jill Stein, or Cornel West over Palestine. 

The fact is, the democrats are more likely to lose votes from going as far left as the far left demands of them. Because if they did adopt those policies, a whole lot of normies are going to jump ship. This not only includes centrist dems who i personally do not like, but also a lot of mainstream bernie style socdems. You gotta keep in mind, the reason Bernie was popular was because he had an economic platform that resonated with people. But as people shift from economic issues that affect them to foreign policy issues that don't, most voters are gonna check out or even go in the other direction. Because being "anti war" in the way the left is is not pragmatic and as one can tell when I judge their ability to do the job, the more pro palestine a candidate generally is, the less likely i have the confidence they can actually be a good commander in chief. Not because I think being pro israel makes you inherently qualified, but being as radically anti war far left as those guys are, they literally hold policies that are literally dangerous to national security if implemented. THey want to decimate the military budget, greatly scale back our international involvement, and open up the door for Russia and China to act without repercussions. This would be the destruction of the western liberal world order, and the rise of something else entirely. This is dangerous. 

As such, I'm perfectly fine with the modern left walking. Please, go away, vote for whatever third party candidate you want, or don't vote at all. Go screaming into the void. I literally don't care. Just stop freaking rubbing that you're not voting for Biden in my face. I'm not a blue no matter whoer, this strategy is not effective on me, and quite frankly, if all the nutcases go off somewhere else and stop bothering the democrats, maybe we can actually focus on getting to the real issues for once. 

I am not someone who is ever going to voter shame you for your decision. Because I am, in a sense, one of you. I voted green in 2016 and 2020. I just believe i did it for better reasons than the people doing it in 2024 are. I did it for UBI, medicare for all, and free college, proposals that would help millions of americans and are perfectly doable. You're doing it over some weird obsession with the israel palestine issue and your extremely unrealistic ideas on foreign policy. We are not the same. And you might know that and claim im not a real leftist or that Im on the left for the wrong reasons (one person called me a "free stuff liberal" lately), and you know what? I don't care. My moral and ethical bases are different than yours. You cant shame me or persuade me through such means. It literally won't work. Because at the end of the day, I literally am just a "free stuff liberal" as you call it and own up to it. And I'm tired of pretending I'm not. 

So yeah. You're never going to hear me voter shame you in the ways most libs do that. Because that ain't my style. Rather, I'll just criticize how completely and utterly stupid your position is and how voting based primarily on a foreign policy conflict half the world away doesn't even come off as a rational, defensible decision to me. And calling for a cease fire in a conflict like this doesn't come off as a rational defensible decision to me. Nothing about this is rational and defensible, and it should be called out as such. 

Just go away guys. Go away. Go scream into the void, because you're basically like half of a percent or something and not even statistically significant in a polling sense. And I really dont sympathize with your position at all and believe you turn off the normies.

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