Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Jon Stewart is coming back to the Daily Show!

 So, apparently Jon Stewart is going back to the Daily Show! I'm going to be honest, Im kind of excited about this. He was big when I was a teenager and just getting into politics, and remained a staple of political comedy until he resigned right before the 2016 election cycle started. he felt like then was his time to bow out, and if I recall he didn't think he had anything to add and that the formula was getting repetitive, and then all hell broke loose. 

In some ways, it mightve been good for him to keep his head down. If he did play a role, he mightve been killing his credibility lampooning Bernie through the 2016 primary season or something. He always did have an establishment liberal vibe to him. But him going after Trump would've been a sight to see. So idk.

Which kinda brings me to wonder...does he still "got it"? I mean, a lot has changed since 2016, and when I think of jon stewart, I also think of the likes of bill maher, and there really seems to be a generational divide there. I kinda respect bill maher and even have a bit of his "old man" syndrome given my own distaste for zoomers and tiktoks and complaining about everything, and much like other establishment liberal atheists, i kinda am starting to agree with him over the left, who have totally lost the plot in recent years. I mean, back in the day bill maher's humor was generally seen positively, and I guess he still has older establishment liberals who pay for cable. But that's the thing. As the rational national discussed in the video above....we've kinda come a long way from the days of cable dominance, and there is a generational divide now between youth who get their media from the internet, and older generations who still subscribe to cable. Likewise, there's a bit of a divide politically between those two generations. Older voters are more moderate, and zoomer leftists are well, insane. As a millennials ive lived in both worlds, and kind of find myself in between those two extremes, being more hip and with it than old boomer comedians, but also being a bit more behind the times than the tiktok generation. 

As such, I'm not sure how he's going to land. I mean, i guess he's better than Trevor Noah, I have to admit I never found him funny and stopped watching the show years ago after stewart left because noah just never did it for me, but to be fair, even Stewart had his moments where his humor never landed. I would regularly go between watching him every day, to being bored by him, to not watching for a while, and then going back to it. it was a cycle for me. 

Still, I am somewhat excited about his return. I just understand it's been almost a decade since he's been in the show, and I don't know if it's actually going to land. A lot has changed, his fan base is older now, and idk if younger people will like him the way we did. They might actually be turned off by him if they find his establishment liberal takes grating. Zoomers have a weird sense of humor sometimes, and admittedly, sometimes they do get too easily offended. Especially since I could see them occasionally being the butt of his jokes. I mean, imagine if he started dunking on the protesters losing their crap over gaza. I'd find it funny, but many people under 30 wouldn't. So idk. 

We'll see how this goes.

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