Thursday, January 25, 2024

Discussing the failures of the "ceasefire now" campaign

 So, we finally got actual results for the New Hampshire primary. The results werent much different than the ones I posted, but to updated the totals:

Joe Biden (Write in): 63.6%

Dean Phillips: 19.8%

Marianne Williamson: 4.1%

We also had 3.9% vote for Nikki haley and 1.7% for Donald Trump. I think they ended up in the wrong primary by mistake. 

Then someone named Derek Nadeau.

And then, with 1.2% of the vote, and 1497 total votes, we get "ceasefire". 

That's this big electoral protest.

For background, a lot of the self righteous leftists who are obsessed with this issue to deranged degrees decided to push a campaign to write "ceasefire now" for the democratic primaries. And a lot of them were miffed when like 70% of the votes were write ins that they called it for Biden because a large portion of those might be for "ceasefire now". After all, this segment of the left is massive and threaten's Biden's chances at victory, right?

1.2%. That's the number of registered democrats obsessed with this issue to deranged degrees. They love to act like they're the majority of the party or even a significant plurality. They are not. Yes, you could argue the left at large is a good 35-40% of the democratic vote. Maybe even 45% if we go by Bernie's 2016 numbers. But the ones obsessed with this issue, who insist on crashing biden rallies and carrying on, and who insist on gluing themselves to sidewalks to prove a point and get attention, are a mere 1.2% of people. Literally 50x as many people went out to cash WRITE INS for Joe Biden himself, the man with a 31% national approval rating, than participated in this protest.

I know Biden is unpopular, but I keep saying it, the palestine thing barely registers as to why. Most people are upset with the economy and inflation, or they're going nutso over the border and crime. They're NOT outraged en masse over the atrocities Israel is committing. 

I'm not going to say that I dont respect, on some level, the moral outrage over what Israel is doing. I mean, even I've distanced myself from them and it seems clear Israel is not conducting themselves as a western nation that cares about human rights should. I'm just not gonna fall on my sword over it, nor is it going to meaningfully change my voting habits, but I'm going to admit that, yeah, I kinda think the left has a point at this point.

I just wish that these people would shut the heck up, tone down their rhetoric. Stop screaming at everyone, stop annoying them, and actually express their grievances like adults. 

And btw, they can protest vote all they want. I've protest voted the dems before. But again, I kinda feel like when I did it, I did it for better reasons. I didnt do it out of an outsized notion of empathy with no regard for the facts, or because I think the US is bad and its foreign policy is bad, and blah blah blah. I did it because I literally want to make the lives of people in my own country better. I dont know how people can look at the modern economy and just be like "this is fine." And yes, I know the economic indicators are good, I just think that they're committing the mcnamara fallacy where they're measuring the wrong things, and my arguments are a bit more qualitative and ideological (although given the massive income inequality and financial precarity of many, that CAN be measured, and that isnt going away any time soon). 

I guess the reason Im making such a big deal about this is because these guys are trying to hold the democratic party hostage and are being like WE DEMAND THAT YOU NOTICE US, WE'RE GONNA THROW THE ELECTION TO TRUMP INTENTIONALLY TO PROVE A POINT ON THIS ONE INSULAR ISSUE THAT DOESN'T EVEN AFFECT MOST AMERICAN VOTERS. They literally think that they're a sizeable enough demographic to make a difference and they're not. Last I looked, only around 30% or so of americans identity as democrats. Like 30% are republicans, and 40% are independents (actually I was almost dead on). I am going to assume most of the people who actually are highly motivated enough to care about this are active democratic leaners or supporters, and most are likely registered, not all, but I'd imagine if they dont care to show up for this, they're not likely going to influence the election otherwise. 

So, if they make up 1.2% of democrats, then that means they make up closer to 0.4% overall. Accounting for non democratic people who think like this, let's pad it out to 0.5% or 0.6%.

That accounts for ONE TENTH of the gap between Biden and Trump. As I said, last I looked Biden is down by 5-6% vs where he was in 2020. There he won by a grand total of 1.2% if you go by the individual states' electoral colleges. Outside of maybe Michigan where there are a lot of arab americans living and a lot of them arent too keen on Biden's Israel policy, I can't see how these guys will have an outsized influence on the election at all. They're too few in number, and they're not gonna influence anything unless the election is literally closer than it was in 2016 or 2020. As I said, the ceiling here is 0.5-0.6% of voters in most states. And that's being generous. It's probably closer to 0.4%. 

So let's be blunt. You guys have no power, you cant swing elections, no one actually cares, and while you're free to protest vote for whatever reason you want (I'm the last person who wishes to stop you or take away that right), you guys are mostly statistically insignificant, your protests arent heard, and when you are heard, you just annoy people. Like me. Biden is far more likely to lose far more support caving to you guys, than he is just let you guys go off and do your thing.

So have fun screaming into the void, I guess.

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