Sunday, September 18, 2016

My opinion on the electoral shifts: let them sweat

So if you read my last article, you'll know Hillary is starting to be in a very uncomfortable position. She was so far ahead it seemed Trump couldn't catch her three weeks ago, but now it looks like they're almost in a dead heat, with Trump only having a slight advantage in that respect.

And of course, the mainstream media and the democratic party campaign are already trying to find their scapegoat, that being millennials. It appears that the millennial vote Obama relied on to win isn't being transferred to Hillary so easily, and they're already trying to blame us for Hillary floundering in the polls and losing.

And, if you've read my views on this before, you'll know this is garbage. The fact is, we never wanted Hillary to begin with. We wanted Bernie. The democratic establishment suppressed Bernie in every way they could. They used the media to push their propaganda and manufacture consent, and seemed to work actively against the Bernie campaign, partnered with that media, to rig the system against him at every turn. At the convention, the DNC quietly silenced the Bernie supporters to give the masses the illusion of unity, and the online discourse followed as CTR and other superpacs began flooding sites like Reddit.

And then they wonder why we won't fall in line. Even worse, they think that doubling down on the same old fear tactics like telling millennials that "a vote for a third party is a vote for Trump" is going to convince us to fall in line. As if, oh, we only heard this 1000 times, maybe the 1001st time will somehow make us see the light. No, no, no.

Millennials don't even like Trump. We just don't like Clinton either. And we don't need to be lectured and condescended to all the time to get on board with you, trying to force us to get on board is the problem. You see, the democratic party, representing the democrats of a generation ago, might be able to talk down us young whippersnappers, but in reality it's that arrogant condescension that's pissing us off. The fact that the democrats think they can bully and talk down to us and force us to support a candidate we don't even like is what's pissing us off.

The democrats put a lot of investment in this strategy. It's as if Clinton's entire tactic was to alienate young voters then try to gaslight us and crap into supporting her. Like the entire election was predicated on a gamble that they could somehow win over the same demographics they just shut down.

I say call them on it. Let them sweat, and if we get Trump, we get Trump. And it's not our fault if we do. It's theirs. We never wanted Hillary. We made that clear from the beginning. But the establishment thought they could force her on us and that we would have the memory of a goldfish in doing so. If we give in, this tactic works. So instead, call them on it. Vote your conscience. If you legitimately want Hillary, vote for her. But if you want Stein, or Johnson, or even Trump, vote for them. You are not obligated to vote for a party that itself feels no obligation to cater to your interests and has made this point perfectly clear all year.

Let them sweat. Let them realize what a horrible mistake they've made. They deserve it. I'm in no way endorsing a Trump presidency here, but I just don't feel obligated to "stop" one by voting for a candidate who made it clear they don't give a crap about us to begin with and insist on using these orwellian bullying tactics to win us over. And I WON'T vote for a candidate that doesn't give a crap about me out of fear that another worse one will be elected if I don't. The democrats have to change to meet millennial needs and expectations. They need to realign themselves to our interests, we don't have to submit to them. Crap will never change unless we call them on their bluff and remain firm with them.

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