Saturday, September 3, 2016

So why is labor day a holiday again?

So, sorry for lack of content, I'm kind of on vacation and will be for some time to come. Anyway, labor day as a holiday is a great idea. We should respect the labor movement and the advancements to society it has brought. I mean, if not for the labor movement, we would arguably still be in the gilded age. Push back by workers against oppressive conditions by employers has done a lot to shape our fairer protections that we have today.

However, since when has our country respected the labor movement recently? It's been under attack since the 1970s and the old left barely exists any more. We're starting to see some revival with the Sanders movement, but as we know that's getting some serious pushback from the establishment, and mainstream politics has little to offer the labor movement. We have a right wing party that is completely and utterly hostile toward them, and a "left" wing party (if you can even call it that, I think the democrats are centrists) that has long thrown them under the bus and only pays lip service to them at best while pursuing donations from the elite class. No one has a serious interest in really making things better for the lower class in general. As I've said before, our two party system is like having a seriously ill person with two doctors, the one who wants to tell you to walk it off and stop being such a baby, and the other one that wants to "manage" your disease with bandaids and pain killers rather than fixing it.

So why celebrate it outside of having a long weekend at the end of the summer after which pools close in some northern states, and which marks some arbitrary fashion thing in which it's no longer acceptable to wear white? I mean, really, the concept has no meaning. It's kind of how Christians perceive the whole war on Christmas thing. You have this supposed religious holiday totally hijacked by secular culture and made into this huge capitalistic consumption festival. And I guess there's a place for that, secular Christmas is fun, and so are three day weekends and all that go along with labor day (what better way to respect workers than to give most of them a day off?). But just like Christians will go on about a war on Christmas by secular forces, the labor movement has had a systemic war on it enacted by the right and enabled by the faux left, aka, centrist democrats for 40 years. No one actually celebrates it based on what it actually stands for, and it's frustrating.

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