Wednesday, September 28, 2016

This might be harder than I thought...

So, I was watching cable news, and what do you know, they are trying to talk about how to appeal to Millennials who are not on board with Hillary. Gee, this looks promising...except they showed how much they just don't get it. They really don't.

Anyway, they asked questions like this: "do you think Sanders being in the race too long is why Sanders supporters won't get on board with Clinton"? Um...what? WHAT?! NO. If anything, your constant yammering about how he needed to drop out of the race for the good of the party is the problem. It really seems clear that these guys don't have any clue about how to cater to intelligent millennials. They think the problem is that a superior candidate was in the race and this ruined it for Clinton who is vastly inferior and who people just don't like. As if the presence of a superior candidate ruined her chances and that if he wasn't in the race and dropped out like a good boy people would still like Clinton. No. No. NO!

This mindset IS THE PROBLEM. You don't understand, WE DONT LIKE CLINTON. WE LIKE SANDERS BECAUSE HE WAS MORE HONEST AND SPOKE TO ISSUES WE CARE ABOUT THAT CLINTON DOES NOT. Seriously, trying to limit our choices, force us to vote for inferior candidates and settle for less IS YOUR PROBLEM. The problem is that the establishment is still insistent we fall in line with its agenda. It treats us like children or mindless slaves who don't have our own opinions. It wants to force us to conform with its agenda, and is pissed someone got in the way to give us a better option. Screw better options, right? We millennials should just do what we're told. That seems to be the message I get from questions like this.

As long as people continue to think in this way, with this "conventional knowledge" that involves treating people like sheep and telling us to fall in line behind candidates we don't like and don't want, then they will never get us. The problem with Clinton is completely self inflicted by her and her campaign and the establishment. They don't care what we think. They just want us to shut up and conform and vote for who they tell us to vote for. And they actively sabotage any choice we actually LIKE. Maybe that's why we're not going for Clinton, hmm? Clueless, clueless, clueless.

They also talked about how millennials are mostly working poor and how they're economically distressed and how Clinton needs to appeal to that. Um...yeah, we are, and once again, Clinton is clueless in fixing the problem. We need real, serious reform of the capitalist system if we are going to fix the economy for millennials. I discussed my solutions here in depth. Clinton might have some of them, and has them in watered down form, but she just doesn't do enough. It's one of the reasons we don't like her. She's not gonna bring us change. Shes going to largely continue the status quo and make some very mild changes here and there. She's not gonna actually fix the system. And once again, the democrats have been shooting down and sabotaging people who actually want to like Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein.

I mean, it's great that people are asking questions of how to appeal to us, but it's just...baffling and disheartening to see people THIS OUT OF TOUCH that they legitimately can't seem to wrap their minds around how to appeal to people properly. They really don't get it. They are literally so out of touch even their questions to learn are poorly framed and shows that their real goal is just to try to find ways to sell the same old crap we don't want to us when we want a new direction. They're not interested in fixing our problems. They're interested in finding ways to make us complacent and consent to their rule. That's pretty much the entire problem in a nutshell. It's right in front of their face and they just don't see it. Maybe they don't want to see it, because it might force them to confront some uncomfortable truths about how they themselves are the problem. So they go, "am I out of touch? no, it's the children who are wrong." That actually explains the condescension and derision on their part too whenever we try to explain the problems to them.

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