Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Did I just find a term that describes me? Discussing social libertarianism

 So, I may have just found a more mainstream term that describes my ideology. As you guys know, I've felt politically homeless, and have since been trying to build my own political ideology based on Karl Widerquist's indepentarianism. However, I may have found an ideology that sums up exactly what I am. Let's see.

Social Libertarianism, clipped to SocBert, is a lib-unity ideology that leans culturally left. He advocates for a robust decentralized government, free markets, and social welfare. SocBert believes that both negative liberty (ie freedom to do stuff) and positive liberty (ie freedom from forces (such as poverty, bad health, pollution)) are equally important and therefore libertarian ideology should be reformed to view liberty & justice as being free from all forms of domination instead of only freedom from the state. Socbert tends to agree with libertarianism on most issues, but disagrees on economics and welfare, believing that a welfare state (ideally a UBI) and some forms of regulation are needed to guarantee positive liberties.

So far so good mostly. That is mostly me. I'm not huge on decentralization, but mostly because the social programs I'm for are best implemented federally, and "states rights" has been an excuse among the right to defy the federal government in upholding HUMAN rights or sabotage progressive agendas. I support free markets to some extent, but believe they can be abusive and exploitative. So I'm left libertarian, but I am leery of some of the things these guys support ending up being instruments of tyranny. If these guys put means before ends, I may have issues with them. But I tentatively agree.

The SocBert ball is a very altruistic, happy, energetic, and pro-freedom ball. Although he likes a lot of people, not that many people like him back. He's too much of a "socialist" for libertarians, so he's called a "fake libertarian". On the other hand, called a "Libertarian Trojan Horse" by socialists. Usually, he hangs out with his mom Social Democracy and his half-sister Social Georgism every other weekend.

This seems largely accurate. I mean that is the problem isn't it? I mentioned potentially having libertarian influences that separated me from progressives and social democrats, but I also tend to have more left wing influences that make me too left for libertarians. I really am too left for libertarians and even liberals but too right for socialists and even some progressives. 

One issue I have is I have a heavy dislike for georgism though. Goergists are obsessed with the land value tax in the way that marxists are obsessed with seizing the means of production. Everything with georgists have to do with land and I find the fixation as weird and against my values. This might be my problem with this ideology. The more I discuss stuff with them, the more georgist they seem, and I dislike georgism. 

I have flirted with the LVT before in funding my UBI but I mostly table the proposal. I believe Georgism has some value, in the way marxism as some value (as a lens, nothing more, nothing less). But I see their views as unrealistic. They want to fund all taxes via LVT, and that's insane. LVT would be more expensive than rent if they had their way, totally defeating the purpose of my UBI.

I like social democracy though, I'm just admittedly more libertarian than them.

Oh and I love how the political ball meme has a yang hat on it. Based. 


On libertarianism: Markets are fine unless there's exploitative power relationships or market failures. Small government, define small. I dont measure my ideology by the size of government, but by its efficiency. Guns are fine but some gun control is fine. Complete government non-invoolvement, insane. Like, government is needed sometimes. Not to say i want it to control people more than necessary but I draw the line at a slightly more authoritarian point.

Social democracy: I dont mind centralized government, makes the programs more fficient. I just dislike the inefficienct, bureaucracy, and authoritarian tendencies regarding work.

Nordic Model: Isnt that just social democracy? 

Social liberalism: Seem too moderate for me and obsessed with social issues. 

Georgism/Social Georgism: Aw hell naw!! like, I just see those guys are crazy, land tax obsessed ideologues. 

Chicagoan libertaranism: Admittedly, technically correct. As far left as I see myself, I have to admit that UBI and its political theory was influenced by these guys. 

Bleeding heart libertarianism: I mean they like UBI, that's cool.

Stein-vallentyne school: Yes it is based and I spitballed it as being a rough approximation of my beliefs in the past. 


Liberarian Market Socialism: Eh, I'm okay with it. I just find socialism overrated. Definitely the best form to exist.

Anarchism: Dead on, need a state for social safety net and other things. I do support minimum intervention with intervention being justified though. 

Libertarian socialism: Yeah, second best form of socialism

Social authoritarianism: I dont get auth center at all

Tridemism: No opinion


  • Soc.png Socialism - Because of you, I get called socialist all the time.
  • Ancapf.png Anarcho-Capitalism - Negative liberty without positive liberty is tyranny by another name.
  • Nazbol.png National Bolshevism - Not that gang!!!!
  • Dengf.png Dengism - Yang isn`t Chine spy!!!
  • Sec.png Authoritarianism - Would you please, stop your Draconian actions?
  • National Socialism - With UBI in place, you would have stayed an artist and your crimes against humanity wouldn't have existed. Take that, racist!
  • Hive-Mind-Collectivism - Without free will love becomes indifference and identity turns into slavery.

Socialism: Yeah, get conflated with them, but whatever.

Anarcho-capitalism: Basically that.Also, they're a joke.

National bolshevism: Aw hell naw! Like really, that's a tankie type ideology. Just no.

Dengism: Not familiar with it.

Authoritarianism: No, just no. 

National socialism:HAHAHAHAHAHA that sounds like exactly what I would say. Obsessed with UBI. And yeah hitler wouldve remained an artist if he could support himself. Other than that, Screw nazis.

Hive mind collectivism: I thought that was a joke ideology.Obviously it cant work. prognosis?

I feel mixed. This seems like another ideology I'm similar to, maybe adjacent to, but I wouldn't identify as it myself. It seems to like markets a little too much, drifts into the more harmful kinds of libertarianism, and I really doont like the LVT that much. On the political compass, it just seems a bit further right than me. It's CLOSE though. I'm tempted to like it, because it's close to Andrew Yang. Maybe its to my right the way social democracy is "above" me in an authoritarian way, and libertarian market socialism is to my left. Left llibertarian or indepentarianism might be better. It's close though. 

EDIT: Discussing theory with them more, I seem to fall on the left side of the spectrum of social libertarians. While the right side has more in common with geolibertarians and right libertarians, the left wing version is basically libertarian social democracy, which sums up my views. Replace a complex welfare state with UBI and M4A. That's me exactly. So I guess I do have a place in this ideology but I'm not sure I should identify as it outright as I tend to have a lot of disagreements with various sub factions.

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