Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A closer look at RFK Jr.

 So, I decided to listen to a fairly lengthy speech that he gave, and I want to give my reaction.

In short, this dude is cringe. He's not ALL bad. He talked a lot about the environment and his time as an environmental lawyer. he briefly discussed healthcare as well. But at the same time, he never laid out his policies. he never laid out anything. The dude is all feels and sentiments. He almost like a trumpian vibe. Like "he's the guy to get things done" without telling you what those things are. A lot of "drain the swamp" type vibes. Wants to take on the CIA, the military industrial complex, the deep state, what have you. He's "the guy who knows how to navigate the bureaucracy and knock them into line." Ya know. Real trumpian machismo energy. Cult of personality. He's like Donald Trump if Trump ran as a democrat. 

He also kind of led into a lot of zany topics. He really HATED lock downs. On the economy, he views himself as the guy to get the economy back on track, and how does he want to do it? By going back to normal. he sounds almost conservative in talking about the decay society has gone through from lockdowns, claiming that childrens' learning is severely delayed, there's more domestic abuse, blah blah blah, and his ideas for the economy are...getting people back to work. Ugh.

I know this is a really unpopular opinion no one wants to hear, but am I the only one who thinks that life was better DURING the lockdowns? Now, I'm not saying we should FORCE people to lock down. But I liked how much simpler and slower life was during lockdowns. It was as if we got a glimpse of that post work world that I've been dreaming of. Again, I dont approve of forcing people into this world, but I'm going to be honest, i HATE our economy and how it's run by default. I hate how busy our lives are. I hate how we are constantly forced to do do do and produce produce produce and consume consume consume. I don't value work. I don't value productivity. The last thing I want to do is to "go back to work." Really, this is something that I've been hammering home on here as of late, but I really want more out of life than what mainstream capitalism has to offer. There's so many paternalistic do gooders that think that things are better when everyone works and everyone is busy and we all need to be massively distracted and given purpose to avoid the...implications of that crap slowing down, giving people more time to think, about things. People during COVID were realizing how artificial our lives as they are designed really are and that things can change at any time, and it seems like the powers that be were like NO NO NO, WE CANT GET USED TO THIS, NO ONE WILL WANT TO GET BACK TO HOW THINGS WERE BEFORE. I mean, it happens a lot. We see this with the work from home thing where people wanna get people back to offices blah blah blah. And it's not about productivity, it's about control. These people are like "but but what if the people I talking to on zoom are in their underwear?" SO WHAT IF THEY ARE?! But but..professionalism. Screw professionalism, screw professional culture. Screw professional dress. And then they worry their workers might be goofing off and not working the full 40 hours, as if it isnt bad enough offices full of workers have to pretend to be busy while surfing reddit. Really, these people are just control freaks. They wanna impose their way of life on people, and force them to live and behave a certain way. Honestly, we could realize this is all a bunch of crap and change tomorrow. But instead, we're forced to participate in this BS game playing they wanna impose on us. 

Really, to me, RFK is a creature of the cave. Wanting to go back to normal, wanting to go back to how things were. Wanting to restore the illusions of the way things are, wanting people to forget that we just literally suspended how things are and that we could do things differently. it sickens me. I dont value work and jobs and that fake purpose crap society tries to sell me. These guys act like life is so terrible without work structuring and dominating our lives, and RFK just wants to push more of that. As such, I aint impressed by his vision.

He also leans into a lot of anti vax nonsense, going on about how we never used to diagnose people with autism but we do today. As someone who is one of those millennials who slipped through the cracks, gee, it's as if we didnt know how to diagnose people until the past 20-25 years. Thats why old boomers aren't diagnosed. It's not that they didn't exist, it's that they didnt establish the criteria to reliably diagnose people until the 90s, and even then if you were a bit weird, you were just considered a bit weird. But because we diagnose people now RFK is like THIS IS SUCH A CRISIS LOOK AT ALL OF THESE AUTISTIC PEOPLE IT MUST BE THE VACCINES, and it's like...ugh...just stop dude. Just...stop. 

Like this dude is just a conservative populist running as a democrat.

Then the dude goes on about ukraine and the military industrial complex and how we could be spending that money at home. Again, as we know he is one of those dudes who panders to the anti war nuts. I mean, sure we could spend LESS on our military, but we are basically running a global empire and we kinda need to to stave off the influence of russia and china. And unlike what this guy says, we cant just "grow the economy here at home", our economy is global these days. It's like this dude doesn't understand how the global economy works.

Again, I feel like this dude is closer to donald trump than he is to me. He's basically trump with a weird liberal/progressive flair. He appeals to the WOTB/dimmy jore left, who being crazy conspiracy type guys are attracted to this dude, because this dude is the epitome of horseshoe theory, in which the extremes start to have more in common with each other than the center. And while I know a lot of people crapping on him like to see themselves as part of that enlightened neoliberal center that I hate, I actually do have to...sadly...agree with them over these guys. Like, I want an alternative to biden and establishment democrats, but THIS GUY IS NOT IT. He's as trumpian as things the 2016 definition of the term of course. Ie, just populist but demagogic, not really full on fascist. And I do wanna make that distinction. This guy has the energy of donald trump, but it's the energy of trump 2016, not 2024. Ya know, the populist anti establishment energy of "he's the guy to get things done and drain the swamp and make america great again", not what that movement has become. But like Trump...he doesnt really have any solid ways of accomplishing these goals. He's just...the dude who talks a big game about doing things, without knowing how to actually do things. 

So...let's face it, dude is a fake populist. If you're actually on the left and want left wing policies enacted, I'd avoid this guy and go williamson. Hell, even BIDEN would probably be more aligned with my beliefs and policy goals than this guy. Seriously, one thing that i notice going into 2024 is that looking at the options, the reason im not impressed with anyone is because when I compare them to what we have with biden as a default, biden just ends up being...better than many of these alternatives. Or alternative, if the alternative is better than biden they're not so much better it's really worth really rocking the boat over them. Let's face it, Bernie aint running this time. Yang isnt running. Williamson is the best we got, and this RFK guy is a just and I actually prefer Biden. It's really distressing that the bar for politics is this low right now, but this guy is so bad he makes Biden look good. 

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