Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Utah's new porn law: how about you parent your kids properly instead

 So, TYT covered a story in which Pornhub blocked Utah over age verification laws. This led to some discussion on it, and being a libertarian on social issues, I wanted to throw my hat in the ring.

A lot of conservatives push crazy authoritarian laws on the basis of "wanting to protect the kids". All of this crap about drag queens in florida and tennessee is about "protecting the kids", and I've been lectured before on forums about how being a parent changes your political priorities and makes you more conservative and blah blah blah. Yeah, because these people seem to lose their freaking minds where they have kids and suddenly they wanna regulate how the rest of the world works around their kids.

And I'm going to be blunt, as a child free adult who IS libertarian and permissive, this irks me. 

On the subject of age verification of porn sites, I'm fine with just "click here to say you're over 18" or "scroll down to get your birth date into the site" and that's that. Needing photo ID or any stricter verification is problematic because then your info is out there when you're doing private time, and NO ONE wants that. Except weirdo authoritarians. 

Honestly, my solution is PARENT YOUR KIDS. When I was a kid, I never looked at porn. Part of it was being sheltered, but part of it was also a little something known as PARENTAL CONTROLS. They were overbearing, and sometimes stopped me from doing innocuous things like playing chess on the internet, but they worked. And while they didnt work perfectly, I'm sure these tools have become far more advanced in recent years. I know I have a friend who is a parent and he mentioned his kid's internet history is completely accessible to him, like his ISP jsut tells him every site he's ever been on. And he knows how to deal with that stuff. And that's good. It's fine to want to protect your kid from watching porn. What ISN'T fine is making everyone else jump through hoops because you wanna "protect the kids." 

Like really, im sick of conservative politics violating peoples' freedoms because everyone has to be Mrs. Lovejoys up in here. Instead of expecting the rest of society to be inconvenienced here, maybe the solution is you step up and you parent your kid properly. At least, that's my attitude toward this stuff.

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