Saturday, May 27, 2023

Aaaand Biden just caved...again

 We hear it all of the time. "WeLl We NeEd To CoMpRoMiSe WiTh ThE rEpUbLiCaNs!!!11!"

How is that going for us? While the corporate media and the corporate democrats circlejerk about this awesome "deal" that has just been struck, let's not forget that Biden just caved to the GOP...again. The GOP doesn't care. They're guided by this rigid, fundamentalist ideological commitment to their principles, and they're willing to go scorched earth to get their way. And the dems will cave to them every time. What's the end result of the left being a bunch of moderate wimps who fetishize compromise, and the right being a bunch of hardliners who are willing to burn the house down to get their way? The overton window moves right. The right holds the system hostage with their brinksmanship, and then the left just gives them the farm. Again. This is why nothing will ever change in politics. We got one side of the aisle who won't even fight for their ideals, and the other side just....doesnt care, screw you, they want their way and they want it NOW. 

Hello, Joe? We literally went BACKWARDS. More work requirements, more giving into this dogma that people must suffer before they get anything, because god forbid anything be EASY for anyone but rich people. It's a joke, it's a fricking joke. Assuming this means the medicaid expansion now has work requirements, according to my metrics, Biden is literally in the NEGATIVES now on my healthcare demands. 

And you know what? The centrist frickers don't care. They live in their little suburbs, they're basically former mccain and romney voters who think the GOP got a little too crazy, and they value fiscal conservatism. They're champagne liberals. They're not allies to the left, I'm sorry, but they're not. So they'll laud this compromise and bipartisanship and act like its the greatest thing ever, while normal americans feel the boot on their neck pressing just a little bit harder. We can't have nice things in this country. The GOP is anti nice things and the dems are willing to meet them half way.

If anyone wants to know why I'm so fricking uncompromising and radical and willing to buck the system and vote third party a lot of the time, look no further. Because I've been dealing with this crap since I left conservatism. I literally left because of stuff like this, and then the attitude on the left is just "WeLl We NeEd To CoMpRoMiSe!" I go by the statement, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. We've been getting fooled for 13 years straight now. And I'm sick of it. I'm sick of having to choose between weak and feckless dems who just give away the farm to the GOP, and the GOP themselves. Screw this two party system. Screw this entire party alignment. 

This is why, by the time 2016 came around, I was so fed up with the status quo that I was willing to vote third party and I just REFUSED to put up with four more years of centrist democrats. This crap wears on you after a while. You see this happening year after year, and you just wanna scream at your side FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, FIGHT! Nope, can't do that, gotta compromise and meet them half way, isnt this great? Yay incrementalism!

Biden, democrats, your entire strategy toward politics is a fricking failure. It really is. You start out with half baked policies, you water them down to nothing, and then when the GOP takes back congress, you go BACKWARD. It really pisses me off. 

Crap like this really makes me rethink whether I really SHOULD vote for Biden in 2024 if he's the general election nominee. As I said, I was kinda sorta willing to do it when he was forgiving SOME student debt forgivness and trying to pass mildly progressive things. Even if the dude aint everything I want, he'd at least TRY, but when I see THIS joe Biden, suddenly going progressive or bust starts sounding pretty fricking good to me.

If Biden is gonna turn into another freaking Bill Clinton from here on out, I might as well just refuse to support him and vote third party. Williamson ain't perfect either, but she's looking better by the day right now...

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