Monday, May 29, 2023

Discussing the MeToo movement and Rammstein

 So, I had a bunch of posts discussing the recent rammstein controversy, but in light of recent events, I decided to delete them out of respect for the band. Basically, they started their 2023 tour last week, and after the first concert, a woman came forward accusing the band of spiking her drinks, potentially for the purpose of the band's singer, Till Lindemann, to have sex with them later. They made it sound like they were doing human trafficking like crap. it was ridiculous. If you want a run down of the allegations, you can read about them here

And, as you can imagine, the social media discussion around these allegations got a bit political, with SJW types trying to push their "believe all women" narrative decided to champion her cause, and rampant claims that the Rammstein community as a whole, many of whom were more skeptical of the claims, especially as the claims the accuser was posting on her twitter and instagram became more and more extreme and unhinged. 

I initially tried to be more impartial on this matter, and told her when she first made her allegations on reddit that if she's serious she should file a police report and get evidence. She claims to have done that, but I'm starting to wonder.

Anyway, I feel like this controversy is near the end of its lifespan, between the band releasing an official statement denying the allegations outright, and the person in question apparently getting a cease and desist letter. 

Honestly, at this point, I see the matter as settled, if she pushes, it will be taken to court, for better or for worse, but given the confidence with which rammstein is making the statements they are i suspect that they know that the claims are nonsense and that they would win in court. If she made up the cease and desist, well, she just further ruined her own credibility anyway.

But, despite this satisfying conclusion to the matter, a lot of the SJWs are pushing the "believe all women" thing, and not being an SJW, I want to offer my take on this mess. I think that while there is a side of that concept that has legitimacy, as sexual assault victims often keep silent and are afraid to come forward, at the same time, this stuff is also guilty until proven innocent, and I think that claims like this are why this narrative is BS. Because false accusations exist, and for all the SJW hand wringing over potential witch hunts against victims of sexual assault who do come out, they seem to ignore the damage that defamation can do against an accused person who is innocent. Our legal system operates by innocent until proven guilty for a reason and like always these whackos just try to evade things like rights and rule of law to push their mob mentality crap. As we know from understanding the times, SJWs dont really care about objective truth, they care about pushing narratives from underprivileged groups regardless of their veracity, and are the epitome of feels over reals. And honestly, I'm sick of it. 

Heck, I'm sick of a lot of criticism against Rammstein that comes over this. Anyone who follows Rammstein closely knows that Till is a very sexual being. ANd maybe he does have sex with fans. Assuming this is consensual, I literally don't care what two adults do. But again, SJWs love to try to dictate their rules for how humans should act, as if they're fundamentalist christians. Rather than build their worldview around how humans actually act and going from there, they build it around their ideals of how people SHOULD act and insist on trying to force people to act in that way. And I'm honestly sick of entertaining these people. 

The same goes with other stuff I discussed in posts I now deleted in reference to these allegations. About how yes, men like to have sex and feel attraction to women, deal with it. Feminists only seem to like the idea of men having sexual attraction unless its mutual and get freaky over say, a 60 year old rock star wanting sex with 20something year old fans, citing power differentials and age gaps. They're all consenting adults and no one is forced to do anything, so who cares? Stop dictating your morality in peoples' lives. And if a man is rejected, maybe some of them act a little less than graceful. If the accusation is to be believed Till was likely misled about the situation and reacted poorly as a result. So what? I hate how these feminists come in and wanna dictate the actions of men in terms of potential sexual relations. I value and recognize consent, and for me, that is enough. beyond that, people should behave as they want to. No one should be forced to do anything for anyone, and that's why if the allegations were true, I would have a huge problem with how till/rammstein conducted themselves, but I'm pretty much convinced that they're nonsense.

My honest take is the girl got drunk, WAY too drunk, probably fell (hence the bruises), and then when she started sobering up she probably panicked and started throwing out unsubstantiated accusations of being drugged and then she just kept doubling down and digging herself into a hole.

I do admit that the band might have had some responsibility for creating an environment where something like this could happen, and that they're potentially opening themselves up to liability with these "row 0" parties, but I generally do tend to believe the band over her at this point. 

And with that, the matter is settled. SJWs can cope and seethe over my politically incorrect opinions for all I care. I stand with Rammstein.

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