Monday, July 24, 2023

Discussing the Jordan Peterson/Bill Maher interview and Kyle Kulinski's reaction to it

 I mean, I kinda feel like the more things go on, I feel more and more out of sync with the left on social issues, and am becoming more and more centrist in that sense. I even ended up agreeing with Bill Maher here.

Basically, he and Jordan Peterson both criticized wokeness in talking to each other, and Kyle started attacking them for it. Now, I normally respect Kyle. he's probably the host I watch the most because he's most aligned with my politics, and on the issue of wokeness, the dude doesnt really lean into it that hard, but here I really have to be like what the fudge. 

Like, I have to wonder, do leftists even...see this "wokeness" stuff? For as ideological as they are, it almost seems like they're blind to what wokeness is and what's so alienating about it. I know people tend to be biased toward their own ideologies, but honestly, I think Maher really did have a point in pointing out the differences between liberals and the left. Bill Maher was going on about how liberalism used to be live and let live and now it's all of this woke garbage, and you know what? I agree. And it really does seem like this new "woke" left is rocking a totally different ideology than the older liberal left. And some of us notice. I notice. Bill Maher notices, Kyle, however, does not. Instead buying into far left talking points about how the people screaming about woke dont know what they're talking about and how Maher has lost the plot because he went all neolib last election. Not saying he's wrong. On ECONOMICS, sure, bill maher is a die hard centrist for me, and i dont like THAT, but yeah, socially? Im starting to agree more with the bill maher center. Because that centrism comes out of like secular humanism and stuff. And it really is live and let live. I mean, I've been developing issues with the "postmodern" or "woke" left for a while, and with this rammstein thing, it's like the flood gates opened, and I'm just DONE. No, these guys are illiberal, no, they are authoritarian, no, they are a bunch of mob mentality type people trying to whip everyone up into a constant moral crisis, and you know what? I didn't leave religion just to deal with THIS crap. I just didn't. So yeah. 

Oh, and for the love of god don't even TRY telling me cancel culture doesn't exist while I watch nutcases in germany making petitions to literally ban rammstein concerts and trying to police what music people like and listen to. Of course cancel culture EXISTS. it's just that it (thankfully) DOESNT WORK. 

I normally agree with Kyle's takes on things, but he seems to be going more toward the normie left this election cycle of not seeming to recognize woke ideology for what it is (a completely different ideology than the traditional liberal left), and his views on blue no matter who, and ugh. It's just kinda cringe. I know Im not gonna agree with anyone entirely, but I'm really starting to notice, yeah, my ideology is different from a lot of lefties. Yeah, I am a bit more conservative (moderate) on social issues. And even on economics Im just caught in social democratic/libertarian no man's land between the far left calling for literal socialism and the center who seems to think we need to constantly meet the republicans half way and use band aid half measures like they're flex tape. 

Idk, like, am I all alone out here? Or is there like this silent majority that thinks like me? I really don't know at this point. Sometimes I feel politically homeless in recent years. I mean there is the yang gang, but of course they dont represent me either because a lot of them have jumped ship on UBI with all of the forward crap. So idk.

*sigh*, politics is so frustrating these days...

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