Saturday, April 1, 2023

Basic income is actually a horrible idea

 So, I've been thinking lately, and you know what? UBI is a HORRIBLE idea. Horrible.

First of all, if we implemented it, no one would work. Ever.

Second of all, how are we gonna pay for it? I mean based on my calculations it would cost $4 trillion dollars. That's INSANE. Our entire budget is $7 trillion and look at all of this national debt and unfunded liabilities we have.

Third of all, it would cause massive hyper inflation. I mean, if you gave everyone $15,000, $15,000 would be the new zero. Look at how Biden giving away all of that pandemic money caused inflation. UBI would be that except we'd be Zimbabwe. 

Fourth of all, work and responsibility is good for character building. I mean, if we didn't all work, what would we do? Drink and do drugs all of the time probably. We need to be kept busy in order to not fall into vice and sin.

Speaking of sin, UBI goes against God's design. Sorry, but your ancestor ate some apple or something at some point, and now everyone who doesn't work doesn't eat.

And finally, taxation is theft. I mean property is a bona fide natural right. And this stuff comes from GAWD! You can't go against GAWD, or he's gonna send hurricanes and earthquakes to destroy your country. No, that isn't climate change either, capitalism is good, global warming is a hoax to turn us communist, and wacky weather events are punishment from God for our sins. Repent before it's too late!

Between all of these things combined, I am no longer a supporter of UBI. Or of universal healthcare, which suffers most of the same complaints, plus death panels. And forget about education. Who needs to go to liberal brainwashing facilities when we got the Bible? I admit, I haven't read most of the bible, but it's the word of god, and it's all the information we'll ever need. And human centered capitalism? That sounds like communism, how about just capitalism? God gave us capitalism through the founding fathers, and as we know, society peaked in 1789 and every change since is bad.

With that said, have a god blessed April 1st, and remember, UBI is communism and we all know what happened when THAT was implemented....

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