Sunday, April 23, 2023

Youtuber "The Humanist Report" Thinks his SJW Political Takes are SUPER Spicy

 So, I'm being cheeky with the title, but yeah, Matt Figuredo of "The Humanist Report" lately did a video in which he ripped into one the social justice takes of a centrist gaming youtuber that he follows. While he subbed to him for games, he got into doing political takes, and Mike kinda found that cringe.

Now, I'm going to be honest, I kinda feel the same way about Mike Figuredo in a way. I subbed to him around the time I got into a bunch of other leftie youtubers, and honestly, Mike kinda rubs me the wrong way too. He is, shall we say, a little to SJWey for me. And this video is a testament to that fact. 

As you guys can tell I'd rather watch Kyle Kulinski, who tends to shift a bit away from the SJW stuff and doesnt go in your face with it. The dude is still left, through and through, but his approach to dealing with these issues is more in line with my own, where he outright says the left needs to stop leaning into "wokeness" but then he will just relentlessly rip the right and their psycho authoritarian ways.

Whereas Mike plays the more traditional leftie game of being a bit more into the whole SJW religion thing. And him ripping on this centrist guy is kind of a testament to that. I mean, this dude's takes weren't anything special, I kinda sorta agreed with him on a lot.

But Mike thinks that being "centrist" on cultural issues is being tantamount to agreeing with the right. he pulls the whole enlightened centrist schtick of "well this side wants to genocide no people, and this side wants to genocide all of the people, and I don't know both make good arguments."

Uh, no. That's not how this works, AT ALL. And I know this because Im an outright cultural centrist.

Here's the thing. In a modern context, being culturally centrist and being a fence sitter is the equivalent of being LEFT by default. Because most "centrists" in this context tend to hate the culture warriors on both sides and just wanna be left alone. This dude probably isnt anti gay or anti trans at all, he just seems to have a problem with shoving it in peoples' faces and virtue signalling about it. 

I mean, I actually surfed around the time of Trump being arrested because i wanted to see the salt of those guys freaking out over that, but most were just obsessed with anti trans stuff. But some of the memes were stuff like "hi, I'm trans", and the other guy being like "I didn't ask." 

I think the big issue the left has where it gets itself into trouble is it has to push the boundaries. It's not enough to do your think and I do mine, they HAVE to announce their weird sexualities to the world, and you HAVE to accommodate them while doing it, or you're a bigot. And that's where the left tends to lose people. Because it isn't enough to just be pro "do whatever you want", if you don't actively wanna participate in their circlejerk and virtue signal the same things that you do, you're a bigot in their eyes. 

And that's what this guy was getting at with his criticizing Hershey over the trans stuff, and I think that's also why people criticized Bud Light over rainbow cans. Your sexuality is like know...or alternatively like your religion. It's fine that you have one, it's fine that you enjoy it in the company of consenting partners, but people have a problem when this stuff gets shoved down everyone else's throats. 

To some extent, the modern SJW left tends to be that bike meme where they stick a stick in the spokes while riding, fall over, and then blame bigots for their predicament. No, to some extent, you guys did that to yourself. 

All "centrists" are telling you guys to do is to chill a bit with the self sabotaging behavior and obnoxious self righteous evangelism.

Like imagine if these guys went around being like "murder is bad right? muirder is bad, you must admit 50 times a day that murder is bad, otherwise youre being a bad ally", and then someone said they're not doing it and then they said you're in league with the murderers.

That's....SJWism in a nutshell.

They take something that shouldnt be controversial, and add gasoline to the fire and make it more controversial, by virtue of being so obnoxious about it. And even worse they literally CREATE and generate their own opposition via Trevor's Axiom (you know, that thing from south park i reference from time to time), and we end up all fighting over stupid crap that shouldnt be controversial.

Yes yes, everyone knows the far right and bigots are bad. I despise their brand of religious authoritarianism. Supporting the right these days is like stanning Caesar's Legion in Fallout New Vegas. It's the psychotic option I can't see why people would actually do rationally.

But that doesn't mean I'm explicitly pro NCR either. I might be a mr house guy, or a yes man independent. But the left doesnt recognize that. They're like, if you're not openly pro NCR, you're part of the problem because you're making caesar's legion win. 

And yeah. That said, I just think Mike's take here is just...cringe. I mean, I notice on social justice takes he does get a bit cringe. Lefties get a little too tied up in their tribalism and they seem to think centrists are people who are literally 50% between them and the psychopaths on the other side.

No, the actual center in modern culture wars is probably 75% to the left, and most of them would probably be left, if the left rebranded itself away from this social justice nonsense, but because the left is so extreme and fundamentalist and has to shove this stuff in everyone's faces, they lose supporters.

It's funny. Back in the day, when gay marriage was a controversy, Lewis Black had this skit where he would talk about "gay bandidos". This was in reference to the idea of homosexuality "destroying the american family". And he was like "how, are they just gonna break into your home and start screwing each other in the butt on your kitchen table?" 

I mean, the point of this was to point out how "hey, these people just wanna live their lives, why are the right acting like they're a threat to american values? isnt that stupid?"

And it worked. Within the decade, we became pro gay marriage as a country and now it's legal. The right lost that war. And why did they lose that war? Because people realized it didnt matter. people turned against the religious authoritarians and realized there was no reason to keep it illegal other than religious nuts wanting to push their values on everyone. 

 But SJWs are LITERALLY the strawmen rush limbaugh warned us about. i dont think they realize how bad they come off. Like really.

It's simple, guys, if you want the left to win the culture war, stop being such virtue signalling twits and alienating people. Most people like the guy Mike is ripping on would probably be pro left if only the left pushed their perspective from the viewpoint of freedom rather than the viewpoint of this weird "cult of caring" as I like to call it. 

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