Friday, April 14, 2023

Screw r/antiwork

 So, it finally happened. I got banned from r/antiwork.

I know, bizarre right? Me, the dude who blogs nonstop about work get banned from r/antiwork. What did I do to deserve this honor?

Well, apparently I posted "right wing content." What right wing content you ask? I argued with some marxist over why marxism doesnt actually get us closer to anti work goals, and how the problem isn't the mode of production, the problem is the incentives in both systems, and that reform is better than revolution. I also pointed out how the problem with the housing market isn't just greedy landlords jacking up prices but an actual shortage of housing relative to demand.

Basically that. I do admit that I did take pot shots are marxism and and marxist theory, as well as relentlessly took down a lot of tankie apologia, but yeah. 

This was all in a basic income thread btw. Someone posted about basic income and all of the leftists came out of the woodwork crapping on UBI and I spent much of the afternoon trying to address their concerns, rationally. This led to me taking pot shots at weirdo marxists pushing for JOB GUARANTEES, and leading to a discussion with an actual marxist, who wasn't anti work. 

And I got banned for that. 

Freaking morons.

Here's the problem with anti work. They're a circlejerk of uselessness, like many other things. They are so obsessed with their theory, and their marxist BS, that this stuff supercedes the importance of actually being against work. This sub, when it was started by the likes of doreen ford, was anarchist in nature yes, but it was also open to liberals as well. The logic was that while they wished everyone would be an anarchist, they were happy to get anyone on board at all. 

Then the sub went to crap. it grew, it became a circlejerk full of people who arent even against work, who ran doreen out of the sub because she was anti work, it was taken over by these leftists who pushed for more purity, and since then it's gotten more and more of a leftist circlejerk. 

The goals of abolishing work arent even important any more. It's just been coopted by marxist larpers who would rather crap on any solution that actually does anything to move the needle in that direction, claims nothing is good enough unless we're having a revolution, and somehow believes at the end of the day we can accomplish those goals through socialism but not through capitalism.

And I got banned basically for pushing back against this narrative.

it's ridiculous. I admit I dont post most of my content from here on there. I dont like to aggressively self promote, although i will use my articles if they are appropriate for the setting to make points if I can. And I actually did use a couple to explain how much of a UBI we could fund after some dude wanted $2k or more a month and I wanted to explain why that was a bad idea. 

But yeah, the problem with that sub is that they'd rather crap on any idea that actually addresses the forced work problem, while circlejerking about their obnoxious left wing ideology. Being a "leftist" is more important than being "anti work", and most of that sub isn't even anti work, they just hate work under the capitalist mode of production. They're freaking useless. 

Screw r/antiwork. Screw their leadership. Screw their current ideology. It really is sad. That sub used to be so awesome. And now I'm banned for not being a communist. Fricking amazing.

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