Monday, April 24, 2023

Explaining the right wing perspective on transgenderism to lefties

 So, I recently came across a thread where lefties were asking other lefties why the right was obsessed with trans issues and what their solutions to those issues are. The replies were a mix bag with some people describing their views semi accurately, while others going cringe and calling them fascists and nazis. 

Being an ex conservative, I feel like I might be in a position to explain their issue. 

So, as we know, I used to have a biblical perspective on issues of alternative sexualities, ie, anything that isn't vanilla heterosexuality. In such a worldview, gender dysphoria is not a matter of mental illness or certain lines being crossed in a person's biology causing them to reject their born gender and pursue changing it. It's a matter of sin. 

I mean, keep in mind how repressed christians are with sexuality. Many of them are so repressed they don't know what a healthy sexuality looks like. This is because the Bible is quite unhealthy with how IT approaches sexuality. It treats the "lusts of the flesh" as sinful and encourages people to repress whatever thoughts they have. I mean, anything not strictly heterosexual is sinful in Christianity, and even a lot of stuff that is heterosexual is sinful if it doesn't take place within marriage.

That said, Christians often see alternative sexualities as perversions that will spread if tolerated in society. Conservatives Christians believe in repressing sinful sexuality because if we were open with sexuality, it's a huge slippery slope. As Christians would say back in the day, if we allow hetereosexuality, what next? Pedophilia? Bestiality? Yes yes, I recognize this is fallacious, and it ignores things like consent, but this is how these guys think. 

Transgenderism is just the next stage of the culture war for them. They lost homosexuality and they've moved onto the next front. And now they're trying to stop transgenderism from being normalized in society. They think if we tolerate such "sinful" behaviors, that they'll spread. Like, they think that if we normalize transgenderism it encourages people who would otherwise be cis to become transgender. Just like they believed that if we tolerated homosexuality, it would cause people who otherwise would be straight to be homosexual.

It doesn't work that way. Let's be honest. People are gonna be what they are, and the Christian worldview is horribly out of touch. I do not endorse these views, I'm just explaining it. 

Honestly, I would argue what they wanna do with trans people is what they wanted to do with homosexuals when I was growing up. You know, try to send them to reeducation camps to teach them Jeezus and stuff. It doesn't work. Because their perspective is out of touch with reality and just a matter of brainwashing. Let's face it, fundamentalist christianity is brainwashing, it's a rather cancerous worldview that causes people to see the world in a way that it is not, and causes people to pursue solutions to problems that they don't even understand, and that in a well grounded worldview, aren't even problems.

Again, I dont endorse this worldview, I want to make it clear. I actually have spent most of my time arguing against it since I left it. But that's how it is.

When these people talk about eradicating transgender ideology, they are talking about wanting to make that stuff beyond the pale in society again, to punish people who openly accept or embrace it. And given how Florida just made crossdressing a sex crime against children and sex crimes against children punishable by death, that's scary. They really wanna literally go back to the old days when we just stoned people who we didn't like. Like what the actual fudge.

I've been kinda leery in calling what the right wants to do a "genocide", since the SJW left tends to like to frame stuff from the perspective of "people i dont like are fascists and nazis", but I do have trouble arguing with the logic here. Even if we didn't call it that, it's regressive as fudge. Reminds me of crap the islamic countries in the middle east do. Religious fundamentalism truly is a regressive cancer on our society. 

And for anyone wondering why I'm so tolerant toward these buttholes, it's this. When I left CHristianity, I figured I didn't wanna be like them. I wanted to be better than them. I didn't wanna censor people for their views. Because that's the crap that they try to do to us for one, and for two, it gets their persecution complex going where they think we're being against them because we hate christianity and are agents of satan or whatever. 

Now, I do hate fundamentalist christianity, but I do believe in tolerating my political opponents no matter how crap their takes are. But let's be honest, the second they start trying to take away the rights of others in civil society, that's where they cross the line. And they are crossing the line. So yeah, we should fight these guys at the ballot box as hard as we can. They're nutcases, their ideas should not be implemented in civil society, and they should learn the freaking difference between having a personal morality based on religion, and imposing their views on everyone.

On a PERSONAL LEVEL it's fine to be christian. it's fine to have certain views that you keep to yourself and practice in your own personal life. It's NOT fine for you to impose them on others. As the older, less SJWey, secular lefties like to say, if you dont like abortion, don't have one. If you dont like homosexuality, dont bang other dudes. If you dont like transgenderism, dont get trans surgery. I mean, I recognize that yeah, sometimes the SJWs do get pushy with their stuff sometimes, but for the rest of us, yeah it literally is that simple. As I said, the modern "center" is actually left. It's the old left based on tolerance and live and let live. That's where I'm at. That's what I practice. 

I dislike pushy authoritarians who wanna force their way of life on others. The fundie christians are an extremely authoritarian and scary bunch who does wanna force their way of living on others. And the rest of society should tell them to screw off and take a hike. They can practice whatever they want in their personal lives as long as it's consentual and doesn't harm others. But when it does, well, that's when we fight.And we really should be trying to push back against these religious authoritarians.

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