Monday, April 24, 2023

Discussing Andrew Yang's interview with Scott Santens

 So, Yang had Scott back on his program. I know last time they were on together, they talked about good old times and how Scott got Yang into UBI. And they discussed it again. So, since it's been a question on here for a while, yeah, yang is still pro UBI and pro cash relief, and they talked about it for the whole hour more or less. 

And yeah, they went into how Yang got most of his ideas from Scott, which makes sense. Again, that's why we tend to be such in agreement, because I got many of my ideas from Scott on reddit. And Scott arguably got some ideas from me too. Heck, it's possible that human centered capitalism as a concept originated from me somewhat, as me and scott were bouncing these ideas off of each other back in the day. And he probably read my reddit posts. And I read his stuff. And yeah. 

But yeah. Scott, Yang, and I, we all have similar ideologies. I admit I've gone a bit more in a more explicitly anti work direction, but that isn't uncommon either. Karl Widerquist posted on reddit too back in the day, and is currently plugging his current articles pushing for a "voluntary participation economy" even now. And obviously people like him and Phillipe Van parijs all influenced me.

So really, my ideas are really just a culmination of the UBI movement in general, and I've been heavily influenced by all of these guys, and may or may not have influenced them too. Not saying I did necessarily create "human centered capitalism" btw, but I did potentially help plant the seeds for it as a concept. Influenced the collective consciousness, yada yada. 

Anyway, the video was good. They talked about how you can't blame inflation on UBI because most of the money wasnt spent in the form of stimulus checks even. Good arguments. Of the $5 trillion given why didn't we see each person get $16000? Good question. I've actually argued the aid should've been given that way, although in retrospect Im glad we DIDNT go for a full UBI trial as everyone would be blaming inflation on that even though it wasn't the cause. They also talked about AI changing the economy and how we could frame UBI as an "AI dividend", not a bad idea actually. Always looking for new justifications to convince the normies that this is a good idea. Dealing with their moralities around work is tiresome. 

 They also talked about how Scott moved to DC and is fronting Yang's "Humanity forward" organization to try to expand cash relief and reintroduce the child tax credit expansion. While I'd like a larger and more universal income than that, it is proof of concept that UBI can work.

I love how critics of UBI love to point out the success of the CTC while simultaneously arguing against full on UBI btw. I was thinking of writing an article about some article some centrist dude did opposing UBI and he did that, but I don't think I will as I already ripped him on reddit enough. Maybe I'll copy and paste into another article. 

But yeah. Good interview, glad to see Yang talking about UBI again. Glad to see he's still for it at the end of the day. I really had to wonder sometimes. Like, did he abandon it? No, he just cant talk about it it seems.

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