Wednesday, November 2, 2016

No, you can't hold Clinton accountable if you vote for her

I had a friend yesterday ask online about ways to hold Clinton accountable, while not risking giving Trump the election. I basically said there was no way you can do this and that you need to risk a Trump presidency if you want to stick to your guns. What ensued was all the Clinton people dog piling onto me about how I'm a traitor to the cause so to speak (slight exaggeration here, but only slight) and how I'm a Trump enabler by doing thi.

But this isn't about the tactics I faced, I've discussed them enough here over the course of the election cycle, I figured this was important enough to write about that I post it here. Look, Hillary is COUNTING on a complete and absolute fear of Donald Trump to win the election. She never won the primary in the battle for ideas. From the get go, she got in, her DNC cronies rigged it, and then told the progressives, "look, this is what you're going to get, I know you don't like me, I know you don't care, but you BETTER support me or you're gonna get Donald Trump." And I just want to point this out in the clearest way possible to make no mistake about my intentions, so I'm gonna shout it in the loudest way possible on here:


 Seriously, screw Clinton. Her whole game from the get go wasn't to win us over with a positive message, or to win us over in heart and mind. Her strategy was to sabotage the candidate who did those things and then win us over through fear. Fear of Trump. Fear of the alternative of what happens if you DON'T vote for her.  She doesn't care if she's hated, as long as she wins. If you vote for her, you're enabling this behavior and giving Clinton everything she wanted from the get go. You're validating said tactics, you're saying they work, and that you can abuse me and treat me like crap, and I'll STILL vote for you as long as you parade around a candidate that is worse. This is EXTORTION. And the only way you can send a message that any of her behavior, any of her corruption, is acceptable, is by NOT VOTING FOR HER. Yes, even if it risks a Trump presidency. As long as you're so scared of a Trump presidency that you give her what she wants, she wins. Remember that. You need to say, look, your pathetic threats don't work on me. Either you can appeal to me the right way, or you don't get a vote. PERIOD. END OF STORY. You have to be firm, you have to be uncompromising, and you have to be willing to call her on her bluff that maybe your behavior does enable a Trump presidency. If you cannot do that, YOU ARE NOT SENDING A MESSAGE. I'm sorry, but you are not. Or in reality, you are, and it's the wrong message that just enables this behavior.

I do want to point out I still respect my liberal friends insofar that they're respectful to me (although I feel some of them have not been). If stopping Trump is your biggest priority that you're willing to enable Clinton, I have nothing to say to that. It's your choice. But just be aware that you ARE enabling Clinton if you support her, and not sending a message. Not that this is bad if that's your sincerest of convictions, but just be honest about that fact.

The way I see it, voting third party (or staying home, which I don't think sends as strong of a strong message) is the only way to reject them both. People fall into this two party mentality that refusing to support one means supporting the other, but I only see that as true if you directly vote for the other. I refuse to vote for either, since neither deserve my vote. And I am firm on this fact. They don't. Clinton is the lesser evil of the two, but when your campaign tactic is to basically exploit that fact and win over people via fear and extortion, that's enough reason in and of itself to reject that behavior. Anything less than outright rejection and you're falling for her campaign tactics. Period.

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