Sunday, April 25, 2021

The only thing more annoying than SJWs are rightoids with regressive opinions

 So, sometimes I hang out online in places that are anti SJW. The main place I go to is supposed to be a place for left wingers who hate identity politics to hang out. Most of them are full on leftists, believing that identity politics is a neoliberal ploy to distract people from class consciousness, thus stopping broad based working class movements from having viability in politics. Ya know, something that I can largely agree with in a vague way, given my own brand of politics, even if I disagree on the specifics.

However, even in places like this, the people aren't always actually left wing on social issues. A lot of them are actually quite frankly awful on trans issues and the like. I don't get it. I go to these places because I'm so burnt out by culture war stuff I need to vent about how much I need culture war stuff. But a lot of these guys are literally just as bad as left wing culture warriors, because they're part of the counter movement.

You know, for as much as I crap on SJWs these days, let me say this. I don't necessarily think they're wrong at their core. They overreach with their conclusions sometimes, sure. They're obnoxious and self righteous, sure. But 85% of the time, they actually have a point behind their virtue signalling and delusional sense of moral superiority. 

Right wingers though, I have no such sympathy for. I don't get it. Like, why do people care so much about what, say, trans people do with their lives? Who cares if people want to transition? Who cares if people don't identify as their birth gender? Unless you get to that awkward point where the SJWs are considering you transphobic for refusing to sleep with a trans person, aka, part of that 15% of the time they're wrong and grossly overreaching, I don't see why it's anyone's business what anyone identifies as. Like really, I don't care. You wanna be a woman while being born a man, have fun. If it doesn't concern me, I don't see why I should care what other people do with their bodies. 

The worst part is the arguments they make remind me of what the arguments against homosexuality were when I was a conservative teenager. Pseudoscientific debates about how it's a lifestyle choice, how people can be pressured into such things, people were traumatized by sexual abuse, blah blah blah. I mean gee, thanks Sigmund Fraud, but I think I'll get my advice from the real experts. I mean, this stuff reminds me of the people concerned about "the gay agenda". It's irritating. And my gosh, the concern trolling over children wanting to transition. I mean, if gender dysphoria is a thing that can be caught early and people can transition, and this is considered the overall scientific understanding of the issue, why wouldn't you let them? 

I mean, the sad thing is most of these topics can be answered properly with a 5 second google search. But sadly, these guys end up falling into this "intellectual dark web" BS where they think they're edgy and intelligent for having regressive conservative opinions. Well, guess what, I've argued with creationists who have made several arguments for young earth creationism. I've argued with "race realists" who have all kinds of horrid views on race they justify as "scientific". I mean, I've seen people argue for flat earth before. Fake science exists, that doesn't mean it should be taken seriously, and not everyone wants to untangle all your pseudoscientific BS. 

It's not just that though. It's everything. I'm a gamer. I'm looking forward to battlefield 6, for example. But the second it comes up half the gamers out there were going on about how overly PC 5 was. I admit, 5 had a horrid trailer involving a woman with a prosthetic arm fighting in WWII, and it seemed extremely ahistorical at the time, but people are so butthurt they're STILL going on about this a full three years later and going on about how they're not buying the next game because of this.

I mean, if you played BF5, you'll know that that woman wasn't even in the game, or at the very least I didn't notice her. It was concept art, and battlefield played like...Battlefield. Yes, you could theoretically play as a black female nazi in the game, but who actually cared enough to notice? It makes no impact on how the game played.

Some people just get butthurt over everything, and these guys are just...obsessed. I don't get it. I crap on SJWs, but my greatest sin in their eyes is one of a lack of "caring." I'm not a good "ally", because I don't care. I don't virtue signal nonstop, I don't drop what I'm doing to check my privilege and fall in lockstep with their agenda. And there are a few times where I will flat out disagree with them. Being an ex conservative, I'm not an orthodox leftie on all social justice topics. I can be fairly moderate on race and immigration, for example. But that's the main issue I have with them. They're obsessed and they try to force the issues on me and I don't like that. Quite frankly, I care too much about basic income and healthcare and big societal questions to worry about their social BS most of the time. But I'll never understand the right on these issues these days.

At least when I was a socially conservative right winger I was so for religious reasons. I thought I was defending "objective morality" or something like that. I was a brainwashed kid. I didn't know any better. But the modern right doesn't even seem to rely on religion any more. The moral majority is in decline, and the alt right seems to have more secular origins. If you're not going to make an argument from authority based on religion, I don't understand why people care. I mean, I'm laid back these days, it's not a big deal. Let people live as they want, and mind your own business. I don't get why people feel the need to police their lives and flaunt their opinions on how other people should live in their faces. I don't have that desire, at all. If it doesn't affect me, I don't care. I guess that's the big thing. I wish people would stop expending this amount of energy on the topic and would stop caring.

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