Saturday, February 26, 2022

If there is a draft, should women be drafted?

 To discuss the screechings I've been seeing recently from certain MRA communities, apparently they're losing their crap over women not being drafted and men being drafted, claiming in this day of equal rights everyone should be drafted if there's a draft at all. And you know what? I kind of agree in principle. In the past, we've had a traditionalist division of labor in which men could fight, but women not. Men were required to fight, while women couldn't even if they wanted. Obviously this was deemed unfair, so feminists argued women should be able to fight. Traditionalists said that women were the weaker sex and couldn't fight, blah blah blah, and eventually the feminists won out. And we've had quite a few female combat vets in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. 

But, this opens up the question, if we bring a draft back, shouldn't women be drafted too? This is where feminists suddenly want to be seen as fragile and unable to fight. They want all of the privileges males have, but none of the obligations, and this pisses the MRAs off. Of course the MRAs play it up a bit too much, with some arguing women had it better in the kitchen while men get crapped on. I don't deny men get crapped on, but JESUS. Yeah...this is why I nope out of many MRA type groups fast when I come upon them. For them arguing women were better off with no rights is But, the MRAs have a point, and Yang recently brought this up on his podcast too. Men are expected to shut up, and do a lot of hard jobs in society, and give up their dreams and sacrifice, only for feminists to come along and tell them they're privileged for it. And it actually kind of feels like a slap in the face. What if men dont want to do the hard jobs or be drafted? Toxic masculine aspects of society remain in full effects, with feminists arguing for all of the benefits, with none of the responsibilities. You can see my "both sides are toxic/the same" mentality at work here. Both have valid points, but both end up being stupid.

And honestly? I am in the camp of, well, if women get the rights, they should have the obligations as well. Ideally, I like to minimize obligations. I mean, I'm fundamentally anti military conscription UNLESS you're literally Ukraine right now, that's my stance on that. I know some people love to have this idea of making everyone do a year or two of national service. No, screw that. No one should be forced to labor, especially in a dangerous military environment. Only when the state is under an imminent existential threat a la Ukraine right now is a draft acceptable to me. So unless the Ruskies are gonna "red dawn" us...yeah no, no draft.

But in this time of equal rights, should women have to fight? Absolutely IMO. We love to see women as fragile here, but unless you're pregnant or have very young children, no, I dont see a reason to exempt women. And even then that would be a deferment rather than a full on exemption. As far as I'm concerned, if you pass the medical tests, you should have to fight. We can discuss some sort of arrangement made for guardianship of children, such as grandparents or something like that, but yeah. If the country is under that much of a threat, screw chivalry and the double standards of the feminists. Women have rights now, so they can have obligations too (although, once again, to make it clear, actual coerced obligations should be minimized to the greatest extent humanly possible).

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