Thursday, February 10, 2022

Why California refusing to vote on single payer is why you shouldn't vote blue no matter who

 So...we all know about California. One of the largest, and most "liberal" states in the union. It went in favor of Joe Biden +29. The state senate is run by democrats by a 31-9 margin, and they control the state assembly (house) by a margin of 55-19. These are margins of roughly 70-30, the strongest super majority you're realistically going to get. But despite this, California could not pass single payer. It wouldn't even bring it up to a vote. We're always told if we want nice things, that we need to vote for democrats, but even with democrats having 40-50 percentage point advantages in the house and senate, they were still short by "double digits" in terms of votes. Fancy that. 

The problem was the special interests. The medical and insurance industry ran a lobbying campaign denouncing the effort, and they decided to cave. That's it then, the party is controlled by big money. And the democrats won't go against the businesses' interests in order to do the right thing. 

This is the shell game of the democrats. if they dont control the government, they'll say you need to vote for them to get control. If they get control, like on the federal government, they'll say "oh well we have all of these moderates and we need super majorities like FDR had to really do anything". And then you get super majorities like FDR had and they STILL don't have the votes. That's the point. It's controlled opposition. Unlike the GOP they have to pretend to care to get progressive votes, and then they don't deliver when in office. It's by design. But you still have to vote for them or you get the republicans. 

This is because democrats dont really believe in the issues. Despite being one of the most liberal states in the union, many democrats in california are fiscally conservative. They're only SOCIALLY liberal. They're the kind of people who will give you access to abortion or maybe offer asylum to their relatively large illegal immigration population via the so called "sanctuary cities", but when it comes to doing the right thing on healthcare, they wont.

I admit, it's hard for any state to pull off single payer, it's a policy best suited for the national government. But, if any state could pull it off, it's california, as it's the largest state in the union, and has a population and economy that rivals other first world countries who literally do support those things. 

But it seems like the problem here is corruption. Big business said no, and the democrats caved. I keep saying it, this is not FDR's party any more, and it hasn't been for decades. And other people who I follow are speaking out. Kyle Kulinski did a segment on it that was featured in an ad. Andrew Yang also discussed it on his podcast today, and I have to agree with him. We cannot pass medicare for all, as long as we rely on the democratic party to do it.We need a new party, like Andrew Yang's forward party. A party that desires to rein in corruption, and go for the issues the democrats don't. Remember what I said in my anti blue no matter who post I posted the other day. Third parties are often supported out of grievances toward the two major parties. When the big parties refuse to support something, you need a third party to channel those concerns and get the ball rolling. And we need to support yang's forward party, in my opinion. 

If you care about medicare for all, vote based on the issues. Reject any democrat who won't support medicare for all. Be loud, be clear for why you're not voting for democrats. And hold the line. By voting blue no matter who, you're just going to continue this cycle, and nothing will change. The democrats need to face real consequences and be punished by not supporting issues like medicare for all. 

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