Sunday, January 28, 2024

Briefly discussing that chart showing the ideological divide between men and women

 So, there's a chart floating around the internet discussing how men and women seem to be diverging from each other ideologically, and everyone has been talking about it. A lot of the talk has been toxic with women going HURR DURR MEN ARE MISOGYNISTIC and men are basically expressing that identity politics are cancer, although often in colorful ways implying women are sluts and stuff like that (implying they did have alt right views).

And to me, the problem is obvious. Identity politics IS the problem. I mean, I've written on this before, men aren't gonna be interested in left wing politics if the whole thing is a circlejerk demonizing them for all things wrong in the world. Of course, women arent gonna be interested in conservatism either if they wanna force gender roles on people and seem to wanna go back to the 1950s. 

Both are simultaneously correct about the other, while completely lacking self awareness about the problems with their side of the aisle. Conservative politics are anti woman, but left wing politics are anti men. 

I keep saying it. Since 2016, our politics have become increasingly polarized on identity lines and it really isn't good for us. It's literally tearing us apart and driving the insane levels of polarization in society. As long as the two sides keep viewing the other as "the other", as in, something unlike and opposed to themselves, then nothing is gonna change. 

Honestly, it's going to take the left to really step up on this one too. Why them? Well, because can you REALLY separate a lot of conservative politics from traditionalism? I mean, conservatism politics is inherently traditionalistic. It's kind of a lost cause in my opinion.

But the left is different, which is why i always attack the left. It's like attacking that A student who gets Bs while kinda ignoring the D student who gets Ds. One is doing...what they can do, and the other can do better but isn't applying themselves. It isnt good enough just to be better than the other side, they should strive for the excellence they're capable of. Yes, we all know conservatism is a lost cause on issues like these and is completely and utterly incapable of being the better person and solving this. But the left isn't.

The left, rather than playing up all of these toxic identity politics, and driving a wedge in society with their intersectionality and privilege shaming nonsense, could instead embrace a more liberal conception politics based in equal rights and liberty for all, but without all of this toxic nonsense. I'm basically saying that the left needs to triangulate back to the more traditional liberal center, rather than going full speed ahead with the critical theory crap. That stuff is toxic to the discourse. It divides people and as long as our politics revolves around this stuff, we're just going to polarize to opposing extremes based on identity, while nothing actually gets done.

Only when one side truly respects equal rights for all, without any of the toxic identity dynamics endemic to modern society, will this nightmare of identity politics end. And again, I don't trust the right to be able to do that given their ideology is inherently stuck in a past where women were in the kitchen and minorities were enslaved, so....lefties, you're gonna have to moderate on this one. You need to bring men back into the fold with good old working class politics and solutions to their problems. You can't just demonize men or privilege shame them and then scratch your head wondering why they dont vote for you. Stop being part of the problem and start being part of the solution. I get it, identity politics are an easy perpetual outrage machine, but they really are tearing society apart and strengthening the alt right if anything. If the left abandons identity politics, the right are just gonna look like jerks by keeping it up, and they're eventually gonna moderate back to the center either because no one ACTUALLY wants to live in the 1950s or earlier socially any more. As I see it, the left moderates, and the right will inevitably be forced to or lose elections. Donald Trump and his ilk are only popular as a backlash against the left. If the left is sane and moderate, than it makes the right look increasingly insane and extreme. And that's how you solve this issue.

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