Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Protesters heckle Biden, get BTFOed by supporters

 So...I watched good politic guy ramble about how pro palestininan protesters try to heckle Biden, only to get blown out when Biden's supporters overshout them by saying FOUR MORE YEARS. And I'm going to be honest, this guy's opinions are cringe. He thinks that this should happen whenever Biden gives a speech, as in, Biden should be heckled every time he gives a speech, and he seems baffled and horrified that these protesters were actually overshouted by support for Biden. 

As someone who is not part of this crazed anti war left, let me explain it to you succinctly.


Seriously, these pro palestine protesters like to act like theyre some majority of Americans, and they're NOT, they're not even the majority of the left. They're a bunch of terminally online vocal people whose sense of moral self righteous is so obnoxious, they turn people OFF.

Like, i'm going to be honest, I can't wade into this topic on the internet without some self righteous jerk filling my inbox with screeds about how I'm a horrible person and not a real leftist. Darned right I'm not a real leftist by your logic, so screw off. 

These people also seem baffled that people react this way. Like how can you be so cold? How can your moral compass be so deranged? but they always seem to insist on making their points in the most annoying ways and then acting like shocked pikachu when it doesn't go the way they expect. Like, this isn't the first video where the idea of blocking traffic and inconveniencing people has been brought up and then the leftist goes 'well of course people should tolerate it, we're trying to make a point, how dare you get pissed off when we're inconveniencing you trying to make a point!"

Like, I'm going to be blunt. NO ONE LIKES THIS. No one wants to hear you guys protest and virtue signal self righteously and shove your opinion in our faces and, yes, inconvenience us. When you inconvenience people, not only is your point not being heard, they're actually making people angry. And people would rather you be forcibly removed from where you are and what you are doing than hearing you out. When democrats yell "FOUR MORE YEARS" over these hecklers, they're showing you the door. As is security. And we're cheering as you're being escorted out. Because you people are mental children who cannot behave in adult situations. 

And seriously, I'm going to be blunt, I've met the left half way on this. I started out this conflict pro israel, but after i watch israel conduct themselves in this war, im finding eerie parallels to how Russia is behaving in Ukraine, and I don't like that. And I'm kinda backing away from supporting Israel. It doesn't mean I'm pro palestine, as they have their own issues, I'm simply pro no one.

That isn't even good enough. As I said, i just get my inbox filled with self righteous screeds about how dare i not be for the full "decolonization" (read: forced removal of all jews from the region) of israel and Im not a true leftist and blah blah blah. And as I said earlier, screw off. I'm NOT a leftist, I am a liberal. 

The fact is, if the anti war left wants to make their point, they gotta do it in a more civil and calm manner. That works better than whatever this is, because this just polarizes people AWAY FROM YOU AND THE POINT YOURE TRYING TO MAKE! No one wants to hear it any more, kindly shut the F up. 

The last time we saw a democratic president get this treatment was Lyndon B Johnson over vietnam. And in retrospect, it was frustrating. Vietnam was that one black mark on LBJ's record. He passed civil rights, he passed the war on poverty, he was, in my opinion, the second greatest president of the 20th century (only behind FDR), but the far left hated him because of the anti war crap.

And I'm going to be honest, the last time this happened, it didnt end well with the left. The 1968 election marked the end of the new deal coalition and the beginning of a conservative backlash, with these kinds of people being a huge catalyst for it. Nixon spoke of a silent majority who was patriotic, worked hard, paid taxes, and werent radicals, and he started building a coalition that was later used by Reagan. 

It's amazing how, here we are, 50 years later, and the left is making the same mistakes.

Ya know, my dad never liked leftists. He said he came from from vietnam one time and in the port authority he was spit on and called a baby killer because he was in his uniform. Now, be in my dad's shoes, you go over to vietnam, you risk your life, end up living in the jungle for a year eating rice, fish, and that gross rotten fish sauce they eat over there (actual thing) getting shot at, you come home, and that's how you're treated. My dad voted republican in every election until obama in 2012. He HATED leftists. And even now, he's still more aligned with the biden democrats than either the left or the republicans. 

Conservatives in the boomer generation, like Rush Limbaugh, always talked about 60s era protesters and how they hated america and were marxist radicals, and for a while, i thought he was strawmanning, but watching the modern left, I kinda understand where he was getting at. I don't blame all liberals as far right as bill clinton for the sins of radicals, but i understand how these people are just toxic for the left. And Im starting to understand why the neoliberal center is just so hostile to the left that they dont even hear them out half the time. It's because you give them an inch and they'll just take a mile and keep screaming at you when you do everything right.

I know Johnson, at one point, said something like "I don't understand, I did everything that they asked, why are they still protesting me?" Again, because you're dealing with radicals.

The fact is, yes, we needed to push the overton window left of where it was, but the overton window is like a rubber band, you pull it too far too fast, and it will break and snap back so far in the other direction it's literally whiplash. And that's where the left is these days. They're pushing for too extreme of a change, too fast, they're loud, they're obnoxious, they wont shut up, they insist on inconveniencing people to make their points. it's like they're trying to be incendiary and piss people off. It's not helping. It's hurting. People are going to take the left less seriously in the future because of this crap. 

And yeah. Can we get back to sanity? Please? And start focusing on other issues that matter to americans more? Focus on healthcare, wages, UBI, student debt. Stuff that helps people. The left has to be the party of helping people if they wanna win, but right now, all the left wants to do is either be useless if they're centrists, or be so annoyingly self righteous that they just scream at you over some cause no one cares about and insisting on inconveniencing people to make their points. Neither one of these is a winning strategy. So can we do what actually works and actually helps, the situation? Please?

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