Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Final scorecard for 2024 candidates

 So, we're talking primarily metric #1 here, but after rerating all candidate, this is where they stand. 

Marianne Williamson- 77

Dean Phillips- 75

(Kamala Harris)- 74

(Gavin Newsom)- 71

Joe Biden- 66

Cenk Uygur*- 57

(Gretchen Whitmer)- 51

Cornel West- 50

Jill Stein- 45

Claudia De La Cruz - 38

Robert F Kennedy Jr.- 34

Michael Wood- 33

Peter Sonski- 30

Nikki Haley- 28

Chase Oliver- 22

Donald Trump- 12

I think the metric works well. It accurately reflects how I see the race, generally speaking. You could argue maybe Haley should actually have 18, not being a democrat, but again, she's running against Trump, so that's why she's higher. 

But yeah. Marianne Williamson is the best candidate this time around, running on a second economic bill of rights, and a platform that heavily aligns with my top priorities. She had to get the nod from me based on that alone. 

Dean Phillips is a more moderate, but also more pragmatic democrat who also caught my attention. He's very solid in his own right too and I could see him being a rising star in the party who could be a viable candidate in 2028 and later.

Joe Biden is...well...Joe Biden. He ain't that bad, he ain't my favorite, but he's done enough to earn my vote. We CAN do better, but we also can do far worse.

Jill Stein and Cornel west are basically just about the same. West holds more extreme positions that turns me off, but in warmness rating and details, I actually did slightly prefer him to stein. They're both about the same. And I'm lukewarm on both this time. I'm not really inclined to vote third party for them, or anyone else for that matter. 

RFK Jr. is where the quality really starts to suffer. He's mildly progressive in his own right, but also pretty cringey due to anti vax views, and also relatively extreme anti war views.

Nikki Haley is the establishment republican option. She gets a relatively high score for a republican because she's running against trump, and is a pretty reasonable and sane establishment republican, but let's face it, I'm not a fan of her all things considered either. She's just acceptable over Trump. That's about it. 

Chase Oliver is the libertarian candidate. I align with him pretty highly on social issues, but other than that I don't see eye to eye on him much. He's not amazing either.

And of course, last is Donald Trump. I hate this guy. I hate how he enables the worst instincts of the GOP. I hate how he's a wanna be dictator who has tried to overthrow our democracy. I hate how he's running again. Please, justice system, do your thing. 

And that's that, given the partisan affiliations of these candidates, I'll be supporting Williamson and Phillips in the primary against Biden, but given how that seems futile, I will accept Biden as a decent alternative. And I see no reason to consider third parties at all this time. None of them offer anything that make me wanna vote for them over Biden (even without the 10 point anti trump handicap, Biden still beats them), and given the threat of Trump, I ain't particularly interested in third parties this time. Sorry guys. Not this round. Maybe 2028.

And of course, I'm never gonna vote for a right libertarian, or a republican.

And I'm CERTAINLY never gonna vote for Trump.

So there you have it. That's my comprehensive quick guide on how I view 2024's candidates. 

EDIT: Adding Claudia De La Cruz, Peter Sonski, and Michael Wood to this list.

EDIT2: Added Cenk Uygur, although I'm adding an asterisk besides his name because the dude isn't technically eligible and shouldn't be considered a serious candidate. 

EDIT3: Given the pressure of Biden dropping out, I'm adding Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, and Gretchen Whitmer to this list just in case. I will add parentheses to their name to indicate they're not running though.

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