Wednesday, March 13, 2024

...but then I read the comments section...

 So, I just posted about how Bernie wanted to reduce the work week to 32 hours and how I support the idea. But then I got to the bottom of the article and read the comments probably know what kind of toxicity I'm about to wade into. Ya know, old boomers defending working our lives away. But the hilarity is worth noting.

Mandate reduced hours at the same pay would result in more labor needed to do the same task. When things cost more to perform or produce that means inflation will soon follow. Good idea!

 As I said in my last article, it depends. Some jobs people actually pad out their 40 pretending to look busy when they're not. At the same time, we would need more workers to cover shift work with a reduction in the work week. If we do it during a period of low unemployment and high inflation, it could actually financially pressure firms to raise prices which could lead to inflation. However, all in all, if this change is done responsibly the impacts should be minimal. 

Nothing like a politician telling businesses how to run or telling other people what to do with their money.

 Ugh, a small government republican who thinks that "freedom" is rich people being able to tell poor people what to do. Meanwhile get over it, the 20th century has shown government regulation of economic matters is useful or even necessary, and small government "free market libertarian" philosophy is just freedom for rich people to boss everyone else around. I support Bernie for being on the right side of this issue.

Welcome to the Biden/Sanders view of the New World Order . . . while the government (Feds) print our currency into a worthless state of oblivion now Sen. Sanders wants to give away more of the monopoly, FIAT, currency to the unmotivated.

Not only does this mindset reward the unproductive but there is a lurking 'hidden tax' on the working people . . . this financial schrade will not only apply to the government gravy train of rewarding lack of production but it will also be expanded to make sure that every American business, i.e. private enterprise, will be locked in under the control this policy.

Just as with all other policies from Biden, Sanders, Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff . . . I SAY NO WAY!~!~!

 Wtf is this person on about? Also, just a hilarious thing of note, but the person went by the screen name "George Jetson", ya know, the guy from the cartoon that takes place in the future where robots do everything, work is a charade, and the guy's namesake worked by pushing a button for 9 hours a week?

Hmmm, the dems promoting less work for the same pay??? That sounds like something Bernie would be promoting. Our country is going downhill fast

 I say this is a move in the right direction. 

It really doesn't matter what the "workweek" is by law, because to really get ahead one needs to be willing to work 80hrs or whatever it takes to win. It's what separates people. 

 if you wanna do that, fine, I don't. 

And people shouldnt be forced to work 80 hours a week.

Also, if everyone worked 80 hours a week, you'd need to work 120 to get ahead and so on and so forth.

of course, its Sanders to introduce this bill. They barely work now. I think they should meet for two 2week periods a year and when emergencies arise. They would get more done and there would be no need for these people to live in DC. They could actually live in the areas they represent. I'm just throwing 2 weeks out there; it could be 3 weeks. An audit should be done of the actual time they spend working in DC vs their vacation time to really come up with a number. Right now, they do not seem to do much until they are running up to a deadline and cry there isnt enough time- especially when it comes to CRs. 

 "Of CoUrSe ItS sAnDeRs"

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what we're dealing with. People who have been brainwashed to be against nice things. Also, Im fine with congress's current schedules. I dont think these guys understand how government works. But of course, theyre probably anti government so...

This just proves Reagan's quote without a doubt! The nine most scary words you'll ever hear are, 'We're from the government and we're here to help'! Have you seen anything in the last three years that hasn't led us closer to socialism, or total collapse of the nation? Bernie is an avowed socialist, but has profited immensely with three beautiful homes from his career of living off the government dole!


Also, what about this current hellscape is so bad relative to the trump years? Sure we had some inflation, it was mostly covid induced supply bottlenecks and corporate greed. Blame the right people, people. 

If your business has 40 hours of work that needs to be done, what are you going to do? You'll need to hire someone or pay the employee overtime. 

 Exactly. Why should we be sympathetic to the 2% of Americans who own businesses rather than the 98% of them who are workers?

Back when I was in Corporate America, I had 32 hours in by Wednesday...

 Those guys also expect work to be your life.

Establish a 4 day workweek for the House and Senate. It'd be a HUGE increase over what they have now!

 More isnt always better. What part of that don't people understand?

Government needs to stay out of the workplace. Let business run their own. Everything the government gets involved in, turns into a disaster.

 Idk the 40 hour work week is the only thing stopping people from being forced to work 60-80 hours or something.

Just what does Bernie know about being productive? He's never had a "real" job - been on the public dole his entire adult life and now owns at least three different homes to show for it. How dare he say that the "Greatest Generation" was less productive. 

 And what's your point?

Also, the greatest generation might have worked hard but they also had like 1/6-1/3 of the economy we do today per capita. It's almost like that's how growth works.

They want businesses to run the same way they run the country. Don't worry about balancing the books, just print more money.

 The economy is 6x more productive than it was when the 40 hour work week was established, there's no reason we can't work less. God these people are stupid.

Any shorter for Sen. Rep and congress just stay home and receive your paycheck. Biden will mail it to you.

 Yes, give us a UBI.

Great.... let our congress work less than they already do !!

 This isn't about congress.

I’d rather work 4 ten hour days and get Friday off.

 You can work 4 8 hour days and get friday off with this bill.

NOT going to happen. They might get away with it for federal workers, but not the private sector. 32 hour work week with no loss in pay would mean a 20% raise that no employer is going to do.

 GOOD. Almost like that puts us back where we were before inflation. Also, the minimum wage hasnt been raised since 2009. We can afford to raise it 20%. We can afford to DOUBLE it by this point.

LOL. Bernie Sanders, #1 Socialist in the USA. Buy a vote B.Sanders. why not just try for 24 hours instead of 32, also at same pay.So bizarre it is difficult to imagine the impact on inflation due to massive price increases .....sad politics Bernie.

 Smaller increases over time would be less inflationary than large increases all at once. Again, it's like these people have no idea how these things work.

“Moving to a 32-hour workweek with no loss of pay is not a radical idea,” Sanders said in a statement.

That would increase costs.


 Again, I'd admit that doing it right now is not the best move. Best to wait for a recession to try this. Also a huge reason im fine to back off of my ideas in 2024 and try again in the future. People are too freaked out over inflation to be willing to try these kinds of measures. My policies are best done during recessions or more average economic times. Not when you're at peak low unemployment. I admit that. Still, i dont think it's a terrible idea either. 

 I think the amount of hours I work is between my employer and myself and as long as the taxes are being paid none of the governments business. Maybe if our government wasn't spending so much time on things that are none of it's business the things that are it's business wouldn't be so messed up.

 My god, these people are so stupid. They literally want a gilded age hellscape where the true free market controls everything.

I don't want to hear Millionaire Bernie complaining about higher prices when small business owners have to raise rates in order to hire more people to cover their shop for the same number of hours

 Y'all realize Bernie is one of the poorest members of congress, right? Either way, again, more inflation concerns. Again, this might not be the best TIME to implement this idea, but it's a good idea.

It is not the job of congress to dictate workweeks.

 FLSA says differently.

Everything the dems come up with sounds so good... There is always a downside, because Democrats can't think things thru. If you work 40 hours and now you work 32 hours, what company is going to be OK with that. So, either prices for the goods manufactured will go way up or people will be let go. 

 Why tf would they let people go? This would encourage them to hire more people. The reason this might not be the best idea for RIGHT NOW is because we're already at "full employment" and it WOULD potentially be inflationary to put more pressure on businesses. it depends. Given most money is going to record profits and income inequality is so staggeringly high, it's possible this is exactly what we do need, but I do admit that if there is a downside, it's inflation.

You know, if we had a businessman running this country more like a business, we might be able to afford to buy the things that make life more enjoyable instead of having to work two jobs just to put food on the table. Oh wait, we had one.

 We just had that with biden's predecessor. He was an idiot, and he just rode on obama's coattails economically.

One more step in the decline of America relished by the left. If one gets paid for 40 hours but works only 32, they have received a 20% increase in pay and thus the price of the goods/serviceswill go up 20% just like the grocery prices have under dementia joe. Collapse from within is the democrat plan for the country and steps like this from a socialist supported by democrats is proof.

 Reading stuff this almost makes me wish economic literacy was a requirement for passing high school. 

Can some people have the fortitude and courage to vote this Sanders communist out of office already?

 I mean, if he lived in my district I'd be voting FOR the guy.

This from a man who never had a real job, never owned a business, never really created anything he is a joke Vermont should be ashamed he represents them.

 People have really weird metrics for what makes a person a good politician. 

We need less people who represent the ownership class. Not less.

Just keep breaking people down for the government taking. 

 You wanna know what broke me? This free market economics bull#### you guys peddle. Keep thinking the solution is we need more rich people making jobs for poor people to do so they can afford to live.

The democrats are making people lazier and lazier. They just want you to be dependent on them so they can control you. Open your eyes people. If you want to get ahead in life you must work for it. 

 I WISH the democrats made people lazier and lazier. Our country is run by a jobist who thinks "work = dignity"

Also, what makes people dependent and controlled is poverty to force them into the work force. Apparently slavery = freedom in our modern society. 

are these fools trying to destroy this country? have any of these people in Congress ever had a real job? please fellow American start voting some people with brains into office

 No, yes, and I wish people would vote people with brains into office. But I dont think it would look like what you think it would.

Republicans in Congress want people to work until they drop with no social security or Medicare while they make over six figures and get retirement benefits most Americans cannot get! They never support anything that makes life better or easier for anyone but the rich and corporations! 

 FINALLY someone fricking gets it.

Not a bad idea really. Companies can have half of their employees work Monday through Thursday and the other half work Tuesday through Friday. 

 Why not Mon-thurs and then fri-sun with some having either thurs or mon or something?

Bad idea..Way too many politicians with no brain

 The only people lacking brains is this comment section. Well, outside of the two decent responses so far.

Yes, that will do wonders for inflation and the supply chain! Now bring on the $59 per hour minimum wage.

 Again, good policy, bad timing.

Also, I'd say $20 min wage tops. Even I have limits.

People can afford to work just 40 hours anymore it's closer to 60

 And thats a problem with modern capitalism

This coming from Sanders, who never had a real job, is the real joke.

 The only thing that's a real joke is this comments section.

Young people don't want jobs as it is. Give them one day per week and they will turn it down.

 Almost like young people arent brainwashed yet.

Barney Sanders! The most insignificant person in the Swamp

Sen. Dick Durbin running a close second!!


 ...just when you think the Democrats cant come up with anymore brain damaged ideas.... Party of Lazy Failures.

 This isnt even a new idea, just an old idea we havent updated since 1938.

All this will do is increase the cost to the consumer by 20%. In California fast food places already have to pay $20 an hours unless you bribed Newsom. This is not a good idea at all and sounds about right for socialist Sanders. 

 I mean generally minimum wage increases cause far less than that much inflation. Again, the lack of economic literacy is concerning. 

Anyway, again, good policy, not the best time.

Proof we need to drug test our Politicians.

 Im more extreme than sanders on this issue and I'm on NO drugs.

Bernie is a pro-communist nut.

 Apparently FDR was a communist...

Bernie...another Angry Old Man.

 The one angry old man who has a right to be angry. Most people in this comments section are just so bitter they hate nice things almost reflexively.

These are type of bills. That are written buy persons that already live by these, standards. Like politicians. That are salary. And get the same wheather they show up or not. This bill is there. to justified it. Like big 360 aoc 

 If I worked 40 hours Id wanna work less. Working 0 hours, Im fine with this. 

So you cut one day from your work week and no cut in pay????

If they need their time off, fine--but don't expect the same wage! 

 Why not? If our economy is far more productive than it's ever been, go for it.

Instead, let's pass a law to deport Bernie Sander to China. 

 I'd rather deport trumpers (and this is an intended joke)

No one works now!

 Well ackshully like 150-160 million people work the last I checked.

Heck Congress and the Senate does it all the time. Biden even does it less like maybe 10 hrs a week. He is always on vacation.

 I think you're confusing Biden with trump.

 Minimum 20% inflation INSTANTLY. 


The dems are driving this country to the point of no return

 No they're not.

I mean if we could make Americans more lazy. Why wouldn't they!?

They don't work much so pass it on!

 Congresspeople actually work a lot harder than they're given credit for.

who votes for this deranged failure....?

 I voted for him for president twice.

This is communism. Produce less so there is less for consumers to purchase.

 Not only economically but philosophically illiterate.


But yeah, you get the idea. This is where our country is at. Or at least the ignorant people who inhabit AOL's comment sections. 

Not the most enlightened people, mostly trumpers, probably mostly boomers and gen X.

While I admit, pushing these ideas right after we came off like 25% inflation since 2020 is probably a not the best idea with the best optics, I do support the idea. Either way, Im fine to sit on my ideas and wait for 2028. periods of economic prosperity like we have now are actually rare under capitalism. Normally the economy systemically unemploys people to the point wages are depressed and income inequality goes out of control. Although, given the nature of corporate led inflation post COVID, it's still like that. Even with good unemployment numbers on paper people are still underpaid and dont have tons of bargaining power. And inflation is high as well. 

It really is sad how brainwashed these people are. They're literally opposing nice things and dont seem to realize FDR did this in the 1930s. Of course we had a depression where the economy could better absorb the effects of a reduced work week. Im not sure I'd go too gung ho on this stuff in 2024 (hence why I'm settling for just defending Biden this election cycle), but yeah. Still, i do support it. I just wish people were smarter, ya know? Like more informed. I feel like I'm like in the top 2 percentile in terms of how informed I am sometimes. Maybe I actually am. Whatever. Still. I wish people would realize we can actually have nice things and have our cake and eat it too sometimes. And that good ideas dont somehow lead to an economic hellscape.

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