Friday, March 29, 2024

Dear SJWs, you're not gonna die if you're not the center of attention anti identity politics stances are....controversial on the left to say the least. A lot of leftists seem to have a seething hatred of my politics, and whenever I take pot shots at identity politics online, I always get some huffy SJW getting in my face and acting like identity politics is a matter of life and death. Like if the whole world doesn't revolve around the women and the minorities and the LGBTQ+ community, that they're LITERALLY gonna die, and that this is a matter of LITERAL life and death.

To which I'm gonna say: chill out, it's not 1945 any more. The number of people who wish actual violence and harm on those who are members of those groups are small, and those guys are relative extremists. Most normies in society wouldn't wish DEATH on anyone, and I feel like it's hyperbolic and in bad faith to act like if the whole world doesn't center around these groups, that they're literally gonna die. It's nonsense. No, it just means that the whole world doesn't revolve around them. Stop being so dramatic. 

I would say "no one" is like that, but then they cite some weird extremist religious group who wants to kill LGBTQ+ people or something and it's more like "okay, so ALMOST no one". Sure, if you look hard enough, you can find idiots who believe in literally anything, but those guys are fringe, and probably already on some government watch list because right wing terror groups are actually are biggest threat to national security, and have been so since literally before 9/11. 

Either way, just because whackjobs exist, doesn't mean that our entire political perspective should be dedicated to being against those guys 24/7. Also, there's more than one political perspective that can address those people. As for religious whackjobs, secular humanists have been doing a pretty good job for decades now reasoning people out of religious extremism. And I felt like we were winning on the issues until the SJWs appeared and basically enabled the Trumpers via trevor's axiom. And beyond that, ideals like liberalism, with a dedication to equality, the rule of law, a system of rights, I mean, no one who is for that stuff is actually for hurting anyone, but protecting them. We just do it in a sane way that doesn't involve obsessing over the issue or virtue signalling about it. 

If anything, my dear SJWs, you guys CREATE extremists. Because you're annoying, obnoxious, and self righteous, and you end up driving people AWAY from your causes. You are counter productive to your own goals, and if you stayed out of your own way, the world would be a much better place.

So knock it off. We can accomplish what you want, we just dont do it in the annoying superficial and socially performative way you guys do. No one actually wants people to be harmed. Well, okay, you can probably find some whacko if you look hard enough, but again, fringe people and fringe groups. Normies and the center of america just doesn't care. They just wanna focus on kitchen table issues, like the economy. And that's what I want to focus on too. 

It's wild, a lot of people on a left have created a culture where it's actually bad if people dare think about issues that affect them, and they're selfish jerks and "horrible people" (to go off of my previous article) if they dare be self interested and vote for their own best interests. And then the left wonders why they lose elections. Maybe because you stopped meeting people where they are and making their lives better and instead just care about superficial morality and socially performative bullcrap? Duh. Lay off this stupid bullcrap.

PS, to the zionist I argued with today, no, thinking Netanyahu needs to tone down his war crimes doesn't make us anti semitic either. I've been extremely pro israel all things considered through this whole conflict. I only backed away because gee, not even I can look at some of the brazen war crimes the IDF is committing and think that what's going on is okay. But don't think that means I somehow wish for the destruction of the Israeli state. Because I assure you, I do not. our countries have a mutually beneficial relationship and I just wish your country would stop putting my guy Joe Biden in a tough position where he might lose an election to a fascist because people are pissed about the stuff going on in your country and won't let it go. Mmkay? Mmkay.

Lay off the persecution complex, guys. Rejecting one extreme doesn't mean an endorsement of the other. And no, you're not gonna die if we triangulate to the center on issues. If anything, you'll gain support, and when you gain support, you gain security. I'd rather have 100 moderate normies facing down an extremist, than 5 SJWs and 95 people who are like "F this" because you pissed them off. Remember the Obama administration, we were winning back then on a cultural level. And we could again, if we go back to that era of politics socially. And that means getting rid of this weird social justice brainrot the left has had over the past decade.

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