Sunday, March 17, 2024

Discussing the leftist youtube pipeline and why I am a "tumor" to it

 So, I just watched a video about the leftist youtube pipeline, and how it exists to basically indoctrinate people into marxism, and I kind of wanted to discuss it a bit. I mean, here's the thing, I watch a lot of left leaning commentators, but I find leftists to be a bit deranged, they come off like they're indoctrinated into a cult, and how they want others to be indoctrinated into their cult, and this video is literally about that pipeline to draw people deeper and deeper into leftism. At one point though, he mentioned so called "tumors", basically, cancerous youtubers who don't contribute to the movement and seem to be constantly fighting with leftists as a result. And I guess I am a "tumor", because here's the thing, I'm NOT a leftist. I'm a liberal. And I'm pretty straightforward about it, and I tend to have disdain toward leftists.

I mean, here's the thing, yes, capitalism kinda sucks, but I'm still convinced it's the least of all evils system, it just needs to be regulated properly in order to fix it. But a lot of leftists are so convinced it is broken they want to full on abolish it. I mean, post leaving the right, I've had a bit of an anti capitalist streak to my politics, but it was always within a certain context of knowing that as much as its cool and trendy to hate on capitalism, abolition is the answer, and I hope to convince people that the problem isnt capitalism per se, it's more work and its coerced nature of it. 

I mean, there's a lot of reasons to hate on capitalism, but at the same time, I like solutions. I like policy, I like fixing things, and knowing what I'm doing. Leftists dont really do that. They get so high minded about their theory and so dogmatic about it, that it dements them and it makes them come off as out of touch cultists.

I mean, say what you want about my beliefs. But, I come from a perspective of self educating myself post leaving college, and leaving conservatism and coming to my own form of liberalism that just isnt practiced by many people. it's new. It's really a brand new philosophy that's only been emerging in academia over the past few decades, and really only took off over the past 10-15 years or so. And my own philosophy kinda realizes it's involuntary work that is the problem, not capitalism at large. But...leftists arent known for their nuance or finesse, they're convinced it's capitalism and let me sell you on the idea that everything wrong with the work is due to it, darn it. It's not.

Capitalism is a flawed system, but im pretty sure most of its excesses can be accounted for without overthrowing it. Even more so, I think overthrowing it is counterproductive. Only market socialism seems safe enough to try and it wouldnt do enough to fix the problems. And most ideas that are pushed to replace capitalism are just as bad or worse. Leftists dont like to hear this. They, once again, come off as brainwashed and unnuanced, and seem to think reading tons of head in the clouds theory is enough to sell a vision, it's not. You need pragmatic steps to get there. Which is what my vision offers. liberalism isnt always nice and sexy to leftists, but does offer more convincing policy solutions than leftists do. Leftists seem to primarily be about feels and vibes. 

All in all, when I watch a leftie youtuber, I cringe. Some of the more moderate ones like vaush and hasan can sometimes be okay, but when you get into like second thought and this guy and actual BREADTUBE people, yeah, i mean, they seem too radical to be reasonable, and while they might make long videos about how capitalism is bad, sometimes they seem off their rocker, like when second thought compared andrew yang to napoleon bonaparte because both were centrist...or...something. Idk. 

Honestly, I encourage people to use their critical thinking here. DOnt buy into a vision just because it sounds good, ask for details for how to get there. Ask for receipts. once you get into actual practicality, you either got leftists going on about theoretical models that sound more adept for some complex fantasy world, or you get "hey man don't look at me, I'm not a politician." Again, it's all vibes with these people. I'm as far left as is practical and can be realistically implemented, but not so far left I lose the plot.

Don't get suckered into full on leftism. it's not worth it. It might seem attractive, but yeah, honestly, from the outside, those guys come of sounding like a cult. And I want people to realize it. These guys are trying to radicalize you and sell you an extremist vision, they even admit it. Honestly, I think a more moderate approach is better. Leftists might hate me for it, but quite frankly, I kinda hate them. As an ex conservative who was a conservative because i was convinced left wing ideas didnt work and would all end up with the same result as communism, those guys actually give the left a bad name, and it's better for us to sweep them under the rug and condemn their ideas as unworkable than to actually give these people legitimacy. Because normies often tend to confuse liberals with leftists, liberals have spent decades trying to convince people we're not insane like those stupid leftists, and now leftists are insisting on being as insane as the actual strawmen we've fought against for decades. I'm trying to convince people that yes, the system is flawed, but there are solutions and this is how we do it. I think it really is imperative for intelligent lefties who know how to accomplish solutions differentiate themselves from braindead leftists who implement ideas badly, or have no idea how to implement them at all, because if they get their way, and we maintain our democracy, theyre just gonna drive us back right. And if they are successful, it will end like every leftist experiment ever does because history has shown time and time again leftists at best dont know what they're doing, and at worst have horrid authoritarian impulses that make their ideas not worth trying. 

So yeah, i dont care if leftists see me as a tumor, I see their ideas as harmful. Im not a leftist, Im a liberal, a very left leaning liberal, as opposed to a centrist liberal, but a liberal nevertheless. Because that is what can actually get results. We want big change, systemic change, yes, but not change so radical it overthrows the entire system and replaces it with god only knows what. We want more change than incrementalist centrists, but less than communists, socialists, and anarchists. Make sense? Good.

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