Friday, June 7, 2024

Briefly discussing post conviction polling, wtf is wrong with people?

 So, I aint doing an election update for AT LEAST another week, maybe two weeks, but I am getting my first taste of post  conviction polling of the election. And it's not good.  I mean, I kind of thought there would be a shift here. I heard it could be as high as 7 points, but even if it wasn't, something like 3-5 would still be a godsend. But the gods have truly forsaken us here. Or the voters have.

How much of a shift is there? NONE! Not at all. I mean, just to summarize, the Biden 2 way national polling is still around Biden +1 to Trump +1, meaning very little shift at all. I think there was a Michigan poll that tied. It was Trump +1 so that aint much. I'm seeing +5s out of Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada, so not much is changing there. There's a +4 in Florida which is surprising, but then I'm seeing yet another tie coming out of Virginia which brings the average down to 2.2% there. 

It's BAD. This is BAD. We're going into June now, and the polling is still as bad as it ever was. While there is still time for this to turn around the numbers arent changing yet, and the current state of affairs is not good. Biden is heading toward a loss. 

To some extent, I dont blame people, outside of their shallow understanding of politics. I mean, inflation is high, that crap hurts economically. I listened to an interview Biden did at normandy and it really hit me how badly he comes off. He LOOKS old. He SOUNDS old. He looks like he can barely keep his eyes open. He talks softly. He's like a grandpa who wonders if its time to go back to the nursing home. i get it, presidents are supposed to be charismatic, project strength and virility, and Biden isnt that guy. Maybe he could've pulled it off 10, 20, 30 years old, but NOW? He just LOOKS old. Meanwhile Trump might be a complete fraud and manbaby, but he at least talks a big game. He motivates and inspires people behind him. he sells a brand, he sells himself, and he is the perfect example of "fake it until you make it." And that goes over with the normies who are at best very casual followers of politics. Remember family guy and their clip on independent voters? Lois gives honest answers, gets nothing, the mayor basically gives word salads and people love him, and then she riles up the crowd just by saying 9/11 is bad over and over again. That's the level of intelligence we're dealing with here. Your average voter isnt that smart. if anything in the realm of politics they're actually kind of dumb. And they just buy into this nonsense trump spews while Biden looks like the nursing home grandpa who doesnt know where he is. Of course replacing him doesnt help either, we already considered that. It's like, we're just screwed. I thought that a felony conviction would finally seal just how crap Trump is for people, but now people are just falling into normal partisan lines with half the country not even seemingly agreeing with the verdict. At the end of the day we're so polarized no one cares this dude is a convicted felon. I knew  most people wouldnt change. As I said, theres always that 35-45% on each side that will side with their side no matter what. But I still expected better of that other 10-30%. But even they're not shifting here. I understand that might not like Trump either and this is another lesser evil contest, but holy #### on one side we got a dude who is "sleepy" as the other guy would put it, is kinda ineffective and inflation happened on his watch, and the other side we got a convicted felon and borderline fascist who talks about wanting to be a dictator. I feel like I'm in 1930s Weimar Germany, or in 1980 with Carter again here. Not a good place to be. We are so screwed. 

I just....feel very frustrated this election cycle. I know Biden aint great. I didnt vote for him last time because I knew he would be underwhelming but holy crap now that we're here and everything I said about the guy before he got into office is happening (even though he governed better than I expected) it's scary. We're literally losing an ideological war to a bunch of fascists here. Wtf is wrong with this country? Holy crap, America. 


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