Friday, June 7, 2024

More free palestine stupidity....

 So, really, I know I keep saying I dont wanna discuss this topic, but it's like a train wreck, I just can't look away. And these people...are deranged. Like full stop. 

First of all, apparently Kamala Harris was on Jimmy Kimmel's program and some hecklers in the audience started screaming that she's a war criminal before being escorted out by security. This clip is controversial because security was like "yeah you're under arrest" and just unlawfully detained people for protesting and heckling Harris. They arguably had a right to escort them out and throw them out on the street, but yeah, bad look from the security team on this one. 

And the second one is Brianha Joy Grey (former Bernie campaign staffer who has unpopular establishment takes) apparently got a job on Rising on The Hill, and ended up with a sister of one of the October 7th hostages. She apparently got combative with her and started arguing the politics of the situation with her when the poor woman just wanted to raise awareness of her sister's plight. The interview ended with her basically giving an eye roll before she ended the interview. And she basically got fired of it.

And she deserved it. Not gonna lie, I normally kind of appreciate Brianha Joy Grey's takes. She is a bernie or buster, shes a very principled person, I normally kind of agree with her, but this? This was just bad. I mean, I don't have a lot of emotional intelligence myself, I'm an overly blunt person, I hurt peoples' feelings and sometimes act inappropriately (yay autism...), but HOLY FRICKING CRAP EVEN I KNOW BETTER not to argue with the family member of A LITERAL HOSTAGE OF HAMAS and to be sensitive about the situation. If you can't do that and have that amount of emotional intelligence, maybe you shouldn't be the kind of commentator who interviews people. Look at me, do I interview people? No. Because I'm argumentative too. But at least I know my limits. Here she just went full on into the politics of the situation with the woman and yeah, it was kind of inappropriate. It has that whole "angry atheist going to a christian funeral and arguing with the family about whether their lived one went to heaven" vibe. I mean, there's a time and a place to argue about that. When someone is grieving is not the time to do so. people.

See, here's the thing. I don't even disagree with the cause of the palestine protesters at this point (to some degree, I mean, the slaughter is horrible, but I will draw a red line at hamas support or support for any kind of outright palestinian nationalism that comes at the expense of israel's right to exist), I think there's a lot to say about Netanyahu and his managing of the war. I think he deserves criticism and even deserves to be tried for war crimes in the hague at this point. I literally would go that far. BUT....these protesters are fricking insane. Again, it's not necessarily the cause, it's the vibe. Heckling people is not good. Harassing people is not good. Antagonizing the family of October 7th hostages is not good. There are certain lines that should not be crossed and these guys are regularly crossing them. And it's annoying and offputting. 

Really, the reason I keep crapping on these people is because their behavior is so alienating and offputting it drives people away from their cause rather than endears people to it. No one looks at this who isnt already so staunchly on your side they are one of these weirdos and thinks this is an effective form of protest. Most people look at this and think WILL THESE PEOPLE SHUT THE #### UP?! They cheer when you're escorted out by security, or fired from your job in BJG's case (sorry, normally like you BJG, but not this time). And youre just turning people against you. Shape up. This ain't it, dawg.

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