Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Trying to make sense of Trump world

 So, I did it. I waded into the swamp. I decided to watch a little Stephen Crowder, to see what the right is saying about the FBI raiding Mar A Lago. And, I almost felt like I went into bizarro world. He was going on about how this is a call of arms and something we shouldn't tolerate, almost inciting violence, but stopping JUST short of that by adding a disclaimer that he's not really doing that. And he was talking about wanting to defund the FBI (so the right wants to defund the police now?), and how this is politically motivated and unfair, and something something Hunter Biden's laptop, which I don't even see how that's relevant. I mean, Hunter Biden might be a crackhead, but he has no role in the Biden administration to my knowledge, and just because he's the president's son shouldn't reflect badly on him if he aint affiliated with the administration.

And other sources I've been hearing about like Fox News, OAN, are repeating similar lines of attack. This is politically motivated, it's unfair, defund the FBI, Hunter Biden, blah blah blah. 

I mean, I listen to this stuff and I can't take it seriously. These guys are just so delusional. I've known it for a while. We looked at Understanding the Times, we know the Christian worldview is dangerous and out of touch with reality, and the right at this point has evolved so far past that. This is why I don't think appeasing the Trumpers is worth it. Because these guys are so freaking nuts, they're living in their own little world. They're not living in reality. Like, no matter what you do, you can't win with these people. Because they just believe so much bullcrap that they are a danger to themselves and others. And no matter what we do, living in reality, it's gonna be percieved with bad intentions as a political sleight, and they're just gonna lash out anyway. Wanna remind people, these are the guys who wanted to hang their own VP for not being a loyalist and stealing an election for them. Even if you caved into them 100%, they'll still find fault with you. Remember when Bill Clinton tried the third way crap Yang is trying and they STILL hated him?

You can't win with the republicans. You can only defeat them. And if we defeat them theyll still cry foul and claim the election was rigged. 

So you can't really win. As long as half the country is under the sway of these BS artists and are delusional and in their own little world, you can't win. You cant appease them. You cant reason with them. And if you take any action against them they'll claim you're targetting them politically or stealing an election from them.

So unless youre gonna surrender to them (which i don't even think would go well given how much BS these guys believe), your only option is to fight them, and to play to win. And again, that starts by cutting the head off the snake, as painful as they may be. Trump must be held accountable for his actions in inciting this BS in the first place. So arrest him, try him, bar him from office, whatever it takes. This isn't done for politically motivated reasons per se. This is because he's committing actual crimes. If he played by the rules and didnt incite  mob to attack the capitol and had the basic respect for democracy, I might still hate the guy, but I wouldn't be calling for...this. Im calling for this because he's legitimately dangerous and he might try crap again in the future. 

I wanna make that clear. As a humanist, I've had issues with people being out of touch with reality for a while, but I never supported taking actions against them. Because I support free speech. And that includes the right to be wrong. Even delusionally so. Unless the speech is inciting people to commit crimes or behave dangerously in a direct way, I'm for free speech. Even if it causes people to believe screwed up and untrue things. 

To be clear, my problem with Trump is he IS inciting people to violence, and his movement has gotten to the point that people fear merely holding him accountable for crimes because they're afraid his nutcase fan base will do violent things.

But...that's why action MUST be taken against him. This is mob rule. This is vigilante violence. We are a nation of laws. And in the face of this behavior the law should be upheld. To refuse to do otherwise threatens the entire fabric of democracy, the constitution, and everything the right normally claims to hold sacred about "America."

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