Saturday, July 6, 2024

Democratic arrogance hits differently this election cycle

 The more I think about this Biden interview and everything I've seen since the debate, the more annoyed I get. The guy really did just get up in front of the nation and say he's not dropping out and that we basically gotta vote for him or we get the orange guy again. And this time the orange guy is literally dangerous. It really incenses me. This isn't like 2016. In 2016, I was happy to let the dems burn when they pulled this crap. They forced Hillary on us and told us we have to vote for her or else. I took the "or else" option and voted for Jill Stein. I thought if the dems lost, that they'd have to admit they screwed up and try again in 2020. But no, they forced Biden on us, a move I KNEW was bad at the time, because it would inevitably lead to an outcome like this, and they were so arrogant and gloating about it. CENTRISM WINS! CENTRISM WINS! YOU SEE YOU STUPID PROGRESSIVE, OUR CANDIDATE IS POPULAR, HE HAD THE MOST VOTES OF ANYONE IN HISTORY! (even though he barely beat orange man during a pandemic and depression level recession). But then, Biden governed okay, and after letting the reality of Jan 6th sink in, I realized, yeah, Trump can't win again. And I made the calculated decision to overlook the dems' BS this time and to just support them to stop Trump. Not like the left is in a good place anyway. They're imploding too. And they dont represent me this time either. 

But, here's the thing. Biden is unpopular. Most dont want him to run again. Most think he's too old. Most arent happy with where the country is. We're living through the carter years again basically, and every indicator I'm aware of tells me Biden is LOSING. Then debategate happened where he really imploded and there's real movement for a replacement. And Biden insists he's not stepping down. And then Kamala's allies insist they're mad at this talk of bypassing Harris as the nominee when she's NOT VERY ELECTABLE OR POPULAR because blah blah blah, black female. I mean, I hate to say it, this is a very "republican" thing to say, but Harris was the DEI pick for VP. Biden promised to support a black woman to appease the idpol crowd, and that's why she was chosen. No one likes her either. I think she's ok on policy I guess, I could accept her as a Biden replacement....if she can win, but we all  know she probably can't. She was just chosen as the idpol pick to appase the idpol people because 2020 was a very idpol oriented year with BLM being so front and center. Again, hate to say it, but you know it's true. Harris was never popular. The dems tried to elevate her, but no one liked her. Because while she theoretically appeals to everyone in she's in that uncanny valley where no one likes her.

Anyway, Those are the two candidates we're "allowed". Whitmer, eh, maybe, but we all know it's not gonna happen. A progressive? never gonna happen. So the dems are gonna force someone on the public that no one actually likes, and then they're gonna probably lose to Trump.

I REALLY incenses me. They're REALLY doing what they did in 2016 again. And this time I'm not even mad where I'm refusing to vote for them. I want them to win. but that's the thing. I WANT them to win but know they probably WONT win, because this strategy of theirs is a loser. 

Now, to be fair, Im not sure if ANY alternative is better than Biden, but that's what we should be discussing. Who CAN win. Instead, we're doing the hillary thing of no no no, you all shut up, you all have to get behind the chosen one, it doesnt matter if you like them, you have to vote for them or you get trump. No discussion, no debate, just F you, you better do it. 

And much like with 2016, it's not gonna work. I'm just...beside myself. The left has so much potential, but the democratic party is destroying it, because they  won't let anyone exist but the specific mold of politics they wanna cultivate, and they struggle to win because that mold of politics isn't popular. It tries to run to the center, and ends up just not appealing to anyone. The moderates they chase go for the republicans. The progressives get pissed off and stay home or vote green party, and then the dems lose, blame the progressives, and do the same thing again. They did it with Gore, they did it with Kerry, they did it with Hillary, and now they're doing it with Biden. Really, the only two "winners" this alignment ever had were Bill Clinton and Obama. Bill because he was saxophone guy and it was the 90s when centrism was what was arguably needed for the dems. Even then, I did watch clinton vs bush debates from back then and clinton was the "I feel your pain guy" with the economy while Bush was like "eh, it's just a little recession, no big deal". Now I watch Biden arrogantly talking about all the jobs he created. yes yes, we got full employment, congratulations. We got so many jobs we just had inflation. And thats why people are pissed. Because unemployment, inflation, choose one if not both. And that's why I know the polling numbers are accurate. This dude IS literally hubert humphrey, jimmy carter, hillary clinton, and bush sr all in on. He's literally the loser of all losers. And he just acts arrogantly and thinks he can pull it off. I question his abilities. 

This is why the left loses. And this time I dont wanna hear a fricking thing about third party voters. I aint even voting third party this time. And I dont necessarily agree with the people who ARE going third party. I don't care about gaza. It's not what motivates me at the ballot box. Part of me does wish I could just vote green again given what a joke of an election this is, but yes, I will go blue no matter who to stop the psycho from getting back into office. 

But that doesn't mean everyone else will. Heck, I think they won't. I think people dont understand how dangerous orange man is. THey just know their beefy five layer burrito from taco bell was a lot cheaper when he was in office than it is now. And that's what these democrats dont understand. Or they dont wanna understand it because they know they cant do anything so they just wanna pretend the problem isnt there. Either way. The dems seem out of touch and insular again. And it's frustrating. Believe when I say it. I WANT these guys to win this time. But I don't think they will. Because they're just that insular and out of touch. And their pride won't allow for them to course correct. They'd rather throw the election away than possibly cede power to someone who would be more successful than them. All they care about is their fricking legacy, not the good of the country. What if your legacy is enabling fricking Donald Trump to win a second term and then go to work at destroying checks and balances so he can act like a dictator? because that's where we're at. 

Get your heads out of you know where, democrats, we have an election to win. 

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