Friday, July 5, 2024

To the people just now realizing that the media/democratic party lies to them

 So, I've had a lot of dems, especially blue MAGA type dems, seem blind sided by this whole Biden thing. They seem shocked that the media hid Biden's condition for so long and propped him up as if nothing was wrong, and we're only now finding out the dude is functional for only like 6 hours a day. To these guys, my message is clear:

Welcome to the party, pal!

Seriously, thanks for joining us. Many of us have been here since 2014 or earlier!

Heck, this is why many of us were pissed off in 2016 and 2020. We love to act like propaganda is something that only happens in other countries. Like when the news in Russia tells them putin is great and ukraine are nazis, people take that as truth and we act like its so wrong. Or how North Korea props up Kim Jong Un.

But when American news outlets do it? This isn't propaganda, this is just "the news!"

Uh, the news is propaganda. That isn't to say they cant be truthful and you should always ignore them. But they have biases and frame "the truth" from certain perspective. We're always able to see it when the news network in question's worldview doesnt match our priors,  but when they do, we just assume it's totally truthful. It isn't. I would know because these news networks stopped matching my priors in the 2016 election cycle. Imagine wanting Bernie and then the media props up clinton while handicapping Bernie. And then these same dems laughed at us for pointing out that the media was biased and how we were the biased ones. I'm not saying the online left isnt in an echo chamber, especially these days, but the blue maga types have been in their own little world for a while. 

Every so often something breaks their confidence in the media and makes them question reality. Like Trump winning in 2016, or the fact that it almost happened in 2020 again. Or the fact that gee, Biden's poll numbers arent turning around and now its coming out that yeah, the dude is senile.

Heck, I'm seeing a lot of dems now angry that the party denied them a fair primary, covered this crap up, and now the crap has hit the fan. Gee, who has been saying dems rig primaries since 2016? Not that they outright "rig" it the way trump claims they rig elections, oh no no, but do they shamelessly plug their candidates while tanking the competition so that they get the outcome they want? Of course! This is par for the course!

I'm also seeing people now mad that the dems are THIS out of touch, and that they dont seem to care that fascism is at our door, or alternatively, that they drove the party into the ditch through their sheer stubbornness. Again, why are you surprised? I've been saying this since 2016. The dems force nominees on you and then bully you to vote for them. They are like that toxic corporation that takes anything but 100% support as "not being a team player." And thats why even now so many people when asked about running they'll just say "oh no no I support Joe Biden!" Because if they say anything else, their career is over. 

The democrats are a toxic political machine. They've BEEN a toxic political machine. They've BEEN an insular oligarchy that ignores their base and even worse BULLIES their base, and then blames them when they lose elections. They're the ones who limit the spectrum of candidates allowed, and then all of the candidates are losers because they're all clones of each other, just with their race, gender, sexuality, and personality being different. And then they keep losing elections...because that brand of politics sucks, no one actually likes it, but they won't give you any different because they'd rather lose and still be in charge than win but give up power and hand over the reigns to someone else.

How do I do it, you ask? How do I still support the dems and Biden despite knowing all of this? Easy. It's either we back these guys or we get the psycho fascists and religious nuts who want to give a convicted felon who wants to be a dictator presidential immunity and shove project 2025 down our throats to turn us into a theocracy.

I protest voted the dems in 2016, when Donald Trump was less dangerous, and when Hillary really let the mask slip off with her arrogance and hubris. I knew ALL of this back then, you can read my own posts. Back then I thought the solution was to vote third party and let them lose. Push comes to shove, that still IS the long term answer, but we cant functionally pursue that while Trump is the nominee in his current form. 

I also protest voted the dems in 2020, when Trump STILL didnt graduate to being this batcrap insane. 

In 2024, I cant do that because since losing in 2020, he and the rest of the GOP have gotten SO MUCH WORSE that we're literally talking an existential threat to democracy. 

So if that means we gotta weekend at Bernie's the 82 year old dementia guy, so be it. It isn't what I want, but what I want is so far off the table this election cycle it's not even worth screaming about it. Between COVID and inflation changing the economic zeitgeist to favor conservatives, to Trump being a full blown mental case, to the GOP being just as crazy and far more capable of achieving their goals, we just can't fight the dems this time. 

So get your heads back in the game. If we have to support Biden, we have to do it. If we have to support are replacement, we do that. This really IS the election cycle where we HAVE to vote blue no matter who, because we might lose our democracy altogether if we  don't. But never forget this moment, and how it feels. And keep that anger alive. Eventually, we are gonna have to protest vote the dems again to keep them honest, because they'll pull one over  on us every election cycle if they  can get away with it. It's just that this isn't the year to do it. Right now, beating the GOP is far more important, because they're far worse.

It's like NCR vs Caesar's Legion in Fallout New Vegas. You might not like either. I'm personally a yes man guy. Some other people might like Mr. House. But would I take the corrupt and decadent people who at least support democracy on paper over the literal authoritarian psychopaths? OF COURSE! That's the choice we got here. NCR > Legion. Dems > GOP. That's all there is to  it.

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