Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Will everyone chill TF out?

 Ok, so, with everyone panicking over Biden, people seem to be falling firmly into one camp or another on the "replace Biden" thing. Some are convinced that WE HAVE TO REPLACE BIDEN NOW! Chill. There's a reason I've been reluctant to replace Biden. It's because I'm not sure that doing so would work. Biden WAS polling the best among proposed candidates polled. Early on, Harris and Newsom were polling TERRIBLY, and even Whitmer wasnt doing great. That may be changing. BUT, we need DATA first. We need to know what we're doing before we make a decision either way. Replacing Biden is like doing risky back surgery. Will it help or leave you paralyzed for life? If it could go either way, then let's just keep an eye on things and not screw everything up by making a rash decision. This COULD go bad. We COULD replace Biden with an unpopular candidate no one likes and we could end up making the situation worse. So let's not make a knee jerk decision.

On the flip side, I'm also gonna tell the DNC to CHILL. The DNC is talking about nominating Biden early to squash all talk of replacement. DON'T DO IT! BIDEN MIGHT REALLY BE UNPOPULAR AND HE MIGHT LOSE BECAUSE OF THIS. We don't know for sure yet. Again, we need DATA. It might be that replacing Biden is the best thing we can do and giving him the old heave ho might be what we need to win the election, WE DON'T KNOW. 

And honestly, I think that the DNC being ride or die on Biden knowing that he's in as bad of a condition as he's in is why we're in this situation in the first place. The dem insiders never listen to the people. They have their agenda, they make the people fall in line. They nominate heavily unpopular candidates like Hillary and Biden, they force us to hold our nose and vote for them, and they lose as a result. And honestly, I'm sick of it. So I'm gonna say, if you guys nominate Biden early and he loses, I'm personally blaming you guys for this. Don't blame me this time, I'm voting for whoever you nominate, even if it's a dementia riddled corpse. This isn't the time to mess around when Trump is as dangerous as he is. But just because I recognize the danger and will fall in line doesn't mean other people will. 

Again, we need DATA. LOTS AND LOTS OF DATA. Thankfully, our convention isnt until mid-late August. So let's wait things out, let the data come in, and THEN make a decision. 

Again, comparing this to medicine, the best option right now isnt to decide to do surgery or not to do surgery, it's watchful waiting. It's observing the situation closely and than deciding, based on the results of that, what to do. So let's not do ANYTHING right now. Anyone claiming to know what needs to be done with 100% confidence is lying or stupid. Wait it out. See how Trump sentencing/conviction plays out. See how Biden's polling plays out (trust me, it's not good, we're already down over a point compared last week nationally). See how alternatives play out. And THEN make a decision. That's what we need to do.

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