Wednesday, July 3, 2024

DIscussing Kyle's SCOTUS post

 So Kyle Kulinski had a very informative SCOTUS video I wanted to go over. I admit, I kinda glossed over the original immunity decision, and thought the calls that it might give the president immunity to bomb opponents was hyperbolic, but apparently not. I have the capacity to read and decipher SCOTUS decisions if I want to, but I decided not to on the basis that it would take way too much time. I mean, we got so many things to focus on and only so many hours in the day and yeah, I didn't wanna touch that. But it does look like this is a dangerous decision. And given the nature of Donald Trump and project 2025, this is especially dangerous. The supreme court just gave the president broad powers to do tons of crazy crap, right when a psycho authoritarian might take power again. Not good.

Anyway, Kyle then went on to talk about ways to rein in the court. He has done these before, but he did mention 2 I wanted to discuss. First, court packing. I think that court packing is potentially a bad idea on the basis that any future administration could pack it in their favor, and then it gets packed the other way, and in the end it just further politicizes the court and solves nothing. Still, given that the court, in my eyes, and Kyle's, has lost legitimacy, well, we might have to do what we have to do. Beats them just making the president a dictator with broad immunity powers, right? Normally the court is allowed to operate as it does based on prestege. It has this image of being above the fray, relatively impartial, and trustworthy. That's  gone now with the modern conservative court and its right wing activism. So, if it requires court packing to save democracy, so be it.

Another approach would be for congress to limit scotus's power directly. Congress could explicitly strip the court of powers by telling it not to rule on some things or even stripping it of judicial review. If this is true, it might be wise to pull that. Again the court  operates based on prestege. It is allowed to do what it does because it is respected. If it starts doing stuff that means it isnt worthy  of that respect, then perhaps the other branches should play hardball.

I've been thinking of  this myself lately. This court is a joke. It's hyper politicized, it's making dangerous rulings. It's like in 2016 we replaced glados with wheatley and now the aperture science lab is going to self destruct. Democrats need to act to limit its power. Or the GOP will use it  to limit us while giving the GOP absolute power. That's  where we're at. We are in trouble as a democracy. And democrats need to act WHILE WE CAN to rein this crap in.

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