Friday, July 5, 2024

Election Update 7/5/24

 So...this is why I normally wait until weekends to do my updates, but we just had a new slew of polls that impacted the averages and already obsoleted yesterday's forecast, so I'm going to be updating that. After all, the point of the work I did yesterday was to automate my prediction charts to make them where I can just change the data to update the entire chart. And it works. And now I can pump out election updates whenever I want with little effort. With that said let's get to it. we can see, the national polls ended up shifting even more where now we're approaching the -2 mark vs my pre debate update. Wisconsin and Michigan are now much harder Trump leaning, as are some of the sun belt states like Nevada, Arizona, and North Carolina. So this is a pretty devastating update. PA shifted too, but not as much. Still, now we're at a 21% chance Biden can win, while Trump is at a 79% chance. The electoral ma is back to being 226-312 Trump. Here's the picture of that. 

My senate forecast has not changed. I will repost it for posterity though.

So yeah.

Don't worry, I won't be posting these every day. I plan on only doing so weekly or maybe once every 2 weeks by this point. I won't be doing updates other than that unless something major changes. It depends on what changes, how much things changed, and if the changes are worth talking about. 

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