Friday, July 5, 2024

If Biden loses, who is to blame?

 So, I'm still seeing vote shamers try to blame voters if they refuse to vote for Biden.

While I absolutely am going to encourage people to vote for Biden and remind them of the stakes, ultimately, the fault if Biden loses is on him and the democratic party.

Biden decided to run again, despite his obvious cognitive decline. The democratic party decided to prop him up and deny us a chance to reasonably replace him in a timely manner. Whatever happens is on them. They are the ones who need to strategize to get the voters, the voters don't inherently owe anything to the party.

That said, if you know the stakes and accept them and you don't show up or vote third party, then that is a moral failure on your part. I'm not gonna shame most voters, but if you KNOW what we're dealing with and still choose to do nothing given the severity of the circumstances, that's on you. 

STILL, most voters DONT. And i cant blame undecided voters who dont know better or even the free palestine weirdos who are too far up their own you know what to consider that maybe they should cave on this one. I'm mostly referring to the ones who are familiar with the severity of the problems, who have connected the dots, and STILL refuse to vote for the dems. Even most undecided and third party voters arent in that camp. I might think those voters are idiots but being stupid or ignorant isn't the same thing as being morally culpable.

And I would still blame those who support Trump more than any voter on the left. Especially the ones who actively support this stuff. 

Still, I dont like to blame voters or put the moral responsibility on them. The biggest guilty party if the dems lose is the dems and Biden themselves. Especially given how they could have easily avoided this situation by having Biden step down and put up someone who objectively would have done better. 

Heck, in more  normal times, as I like to say, the voters have no responsibility to the parties, the parties have a responsibility to their voters. I'm only even considering putting SOME blame on voters given how grave the current situation is, and even then,  only as much as they know better. Most don't. Most are ignorant, and many simply have different ethical systems. It's really only those who truly do know better and still choose to do nothing here. 

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